11. Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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Incomparable beauty submerged itself in the searing depths of a bordered pool.

Attempting to awake this ethereal force, the Mighty Thunder God called, "(Y/n), we have come to barter!"

Beside him, were positioned the Warriors Three, alongside Loki Odinson, who shifted anxiously where he stood. Paying him no heed, his companions crowded the conflagrant lake, seeing nothing but a few charred petals on its surface. Shooting questioning looks towards Thor, five figures sighed impatiently.

Volstagg was first to make his enquiry. "Who are you searching for? Surely no-one could survive in that. It is pure lava!"

Chuckling boisterously, his accomplice bellowed, "She is of Muspelheim! Of course she can survive the fire!"

"Maybe so, but will she listen?" Sif asked, grasping the edge of a sharp blade.

"Of course." He hardly gave clarification.

Ripples on the pool's inflamed covering gradually began to form, capturing the attention of all eyes present. Quite suddenly, two hands briefly surfaced, making motions on the waves. Shortly thereafter, they vanished, instead being replaced by a beauteous female form.

Her head emerged first, pristine (h/c) locks remaining undamaged by the magma. Delicate hands gently trailed upwards, clearing her face of residual liquid, eventually reaching luscious hair, and pushing it backwards. As they fluttered open, all company bore witness to alluring (e/c) eyes, so profound they appeared to hold entire galaxies.

Interwoven with those radiant tresses, were perfectly preserved roses, of a magnificent scarlet. They gave a silent refusal when your hand raked through them – they would not fall.

A forbearing glint illuminated your orbs. Permitting the exit of a composed breath, you glided effortlessly towards the intruders. Upon reaching the border, you placed two soft hands on it, hauling your body out of the lava.

Perching on the edge, you were directly below the youngest Asgardian.

Placing one leg across the other, you questioned, "Your purpose?"

Being graced with the harmonious voice of this new acquaintance, none could deny the heat, however slight, that crept on to their cheeks.

"It's good to see you again!" Thor thundered.

Grimacing, you responded, "And you."

Turning your attention to the figure burning holes through your soul, (e/c) orbs ensnared gorgeous green ones. Although only moderately, yours widened, as you admired this glorious stranger. While his brother continued to converse one-sidedly, the young God of Mischief found himself unable to tear his eyes away from your figure.

Despite the feeling of imprisonment, both parties sensed an irrefutable connection.

"Are you listening, (Y/n)?" Thor asked, breaking your focus.

Gazing his less appealing form, you replied, "Not particularly."

A satisfying shade of crimson invaded Loki's cheeks, and he made an audible gulp. Concentrating once more on Thor, you still acknowledged the glaring presence of the younger prince's verdant orbs, but did nothing to show it.

Reminiscing, the Thunder God suddenly blared, "I remember when we courted."

"Yet you always preferred Loki." Okay, so he wasn't a complete stranger.

This caught the immediate interest of the aforementioned prince, who stared at you with newfound confidence. Perhaps after today, that silver tongue would be used for more entertaining purposes.

Fandral spoke, "But they've only just met each other. I could tell by their gazes."

Thor shook his head. "Odin forbade their meeting, but she has seen my brother before. Around the palace."

"It is as you say. And I fell in love."


A considerable amount of time later, your would-be consort wandered through various corridors, and past multiple rooms, until he paused outside one he had come to learn was your own. Pacing a few times, in an effort to regain his composure, he prayed that you were genuine.

Ignoring the nagging doubt filling his mind, he knocked on the door, hearing a faint "Come in." from the other side. Stepping inside the room, making sure to properly close the door, he sought out your form.

Observing you on the window ledge, he called out, "Were they true? Your earlier words."

Gesturing for his advance, you responded, "How could they not be?"

"You don't want Thor?" He questioned, tentatively.

Once he was within reach, you tugged on his sleeve, bringing an incredibly handsome, yet oddly saddened face ever closer. Electing to authenticate your words with an action, you pulled him into a passionate kiss.

"No. I want you."

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