12. Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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Returning to your abode after what seemed an eternity, the young god sighted your glorious form lounging on one of the many couches littered throughout the space.

Raising his voice, he spoke, "I have come seeking answers...to my most burning questions."

Leisurely, you allowed a heavy head to loll sideways, (e/c) orbs locking his magnificent green ones in a heated stare. As opposed to speaking, you elected to rise from the velvety comforts of your resting place, and began ambling towards the food preparation hall, or the kitchen.

"Tea, darling?" You enquired, only when out of his eye-line.

Softly, he replied, "Please."

Situating himself in your earlier spot, Loki waited patiently for your reappearance. No more than a few minutes passed, but they were painfully drawn out in the Asgardian's mind. Consuming his every waking moment, were images of you, intricately woven into the fabric of his heart.

Attacking a civilisation such as that of earth's had nearly destroyed him, yet he managed to masquerade himself upon arrival at his home. Thus he was able to journey, without incident, to the structure in which he now settled.

Acknowledging your gentle footfalls, he craned his head to meet your ethereal beauty.

Observing every miniscule ministration, the young god found satisfaction in your work, accompanied by the subtle, yet endearing glance you stole once the cup had been placed on the table.

Silently, you walked to his figure, planting a knee on the space beside him, and hauling yourself on to his lap. Soon, you had him trapped, with one leg on either side of his body.

In a disapproving manner, Loki questioned, "How am I to reach my drink with you there?"

Snaking delicate arms around his neck, you permitted your fingers to entangle themselves in his hair. Humming gently, you perceived the content expression forming on his features, as you stroked his raven locks. Proceeding to make a moderate shift in position, you loosened one hand, instead trailing it down his chest, and stationing your head in the crook of his neck.

Feeling his breath hitch, you responded, "Did you not have some burning questions?"

Glancing upwards, you momentarily viewed the expansion of those alluring green orbs, before securing your gaze on his lips. Having not tasted them in forever, the yearning encompassed your entire being. Subconsciously, you whimpered, signalling to the young god that you required his assistance.

Smirking, he whispered, "Do you want to kiss me?"

You hoped a simple nod would convey your answer.

"Then do it."

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