Christmas Day

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The next day I woke up hearing noise. I got fresh and went downstairs and saw Chris was jumping like a kid with his nephews and niece. I leaned on the door frame and laughed. Chris looked at me.

"Merry Christmas!" said Chris giving me a bear hug.

"Merry 'Chris' mas!" I said and we laughed.

Then we went to the Christmas tree to open our presents. Before coming to Boston, CHris and I had brought presents for his family. When we were done giving gifts and receiving it, Chris handed me a gift.

"That's your Christmas gift from me. Hope you'll like it." said Chris with a smile.

"I told you several times that I don't like this formalities, Chris. You are my friend. You didn't have to do that." I said with a smile.

"Come on! It's 'Chris' mas!" whined Chris. I chuckled and opened that. There was a Beautiful dress!

"WOW! It's beautiful! Thanks a lot!" I said.

"Welcome. It'll come handy when you'll go out with Nathan. Just be a girl sometimes?" said Chris with a sarcastic smirk. I playfully hit his arm but my cheeks got red at the same time.

"Kids! The breakfast is ready!" called Lisa.

After the breakfast Lisa said happily.

"Who wants to bake some Christmas cookies?"

"Me!" said Chris, Scott, Shanna and Carly excitedly raising their hands like kids together. I laughed.

"Follow me, Kids!" said Lisa happily.

They all followed Lisa to kitchen in a line. On the way Chris playfully pulled Shanna's ponytail.

"Mum! Chris pulled my hair!" whined Shanna as she complained. Lisa laughed.

"You guys will never change." said Lisa while shaking her head. "Chris, leave your baby sister alone."

Shanna poked her tongue out and Chris did the same. They are totally kids!

"Chris, you make the batter. Carly you wipe the cream, Shanna add colours to the foundants and Scott, help me to find the sprinkles." said Lisa. As they work, I leaned on the kitchen door frame and watched them as they excitedly worked. Then Lisa saw me leaning on the door frame.

"Elle! Honey! Come in!" said Lisa happily.

"Mind if I help?" I said awkwardly.

"Sure! You help Chris with the cookie batter." said Lisa. And then we all started to work. Chris started to sing "Hakuna Matata" out loud.  Rest of the Evans family joined him. Chris started to throw flours on his siblings.

"Hakuna Matata!" sang Chris happily.

Evans family was crazy. They sang Disney songs all the time.

 When we were finished with the cookies,  

"Do you like video games?" said Scott.

"Yeah!" I said excitedly.

"Let's play some video game! Others can prepare the lunch." said Scott.

So scott and I went to the playroom and started to play video game. Scott was good at it. ethan, Stella and Miles were cheering behind us. Lastly I lost.

"Yaaay!" said Scott excitedly throwing his hands in the air. I laughed and the kids started to dance like monkeys.

"Though you are a tough competitor. " said Scott.

"Well. I'm good at it!" I said faking pride.

"Looks like my brother has done a perfect job!" said Chris behind us. I laughed.

"You never won against me." I said sarcastically.

"Well, you do win. But your boyfriend sucks." laughed Chris.

"What do you expect from a doctor?" I said sarcastically. "But he was quite good when we were in the Uni"

"What? You have a boyfriend?" said scott sounding surprised.

"What bothers you? You are a gay." said Chris raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, I am. But you told me she hasn't one" said Scott.

"Well, that was ages ago." said Chris.

"You should ask Jenny to come here. She just lives 20 mins away!" said Scott.

"She has gone to somewhere for vacation" said Chris.

"Then bring hwe next year!" said Scott.

"If she agrees, I will." said Chris

"Plead make her come!" plead Scott with a puppy face. This time he was looking at me. I laughed.

"Sure!" Is aid.

When er got downstairs, we saw Evans family was singing again. I laughed at their craziness. It made me remember of my own family. How happy we used to be on Christmas.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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