Chapter 10 - Fuchsia and chrysanthemum

Start from the beginning

«Hello Flower Boy,» he greeted, a smug smile displaying. «You might want to close your mouth, I know I'm hot, but you wouldn't want to be drooling in front of your customers, would you?» he laughed, placing a hand under the brunet's chin, gently pushing up his lower jaw. 

Jongdae felt his heartbeat trip at Minseok's words, looking away in embarrassment. He cleared his throat, guiding away the hand on his chin, but not letting it go again. Minseok lifted an eyebrow at that but didn't say anything. 

«Hi to you too,» Jongdae answered. «As you can see, I'm kinda busy... Mind waiting for a moment?» 

Minseok grinned and shook his head. «Not at all.» Since Jongdae didn't seem to let go of his hand he simply stayed next to him. Changbin and Felix were silent through the whole conversation, not entirely sure how to react. But now Jongdae's attention was on them once again. 

«So, can I have that photo?» he asked the two boys with sparkling eyes, his free hand already grabbing his phone.

«I guess?» Felix agreed, hesitantly reaching for Changbin to pull him closer. He put the other flower crown he still held in his hands on top of Changbin's head, smiling timidly. Then the two looked at Jongdae, signalling that they were ready.

«Oh my, you two look so adorable!» Jongdae cooed, smiling happily at the picture he had taken. «Can you two do something cute?» When he requested this, he certainly didn't expect Changbin to lean over and press a soft kiss on Felix' cheek. And neither did Felix. The boy froze on the spot, eyes wide and mouth agape. After a good three seconds, Changbin broke away his lips from the other boy's cheek, clearly flustered.

Next to Jongdae Minseok was cackling at the sight of the couple in front of them. «You— ohmygod— please— please tell me you two are dating!» he laughed in delight.

«He's too shy to ask me,» Changbin murmured, chuckling lightly at the now darkly blushing boy next to him. 

«How about you ask him here and now then?» Minseok suggested.

«Wanna be my boyfriend?» Changbin asked not missing a beat. Felix, who was getting more and more embarrassed with every second, just nodded, his face hiding in his hands by now. Changbin smiled happily and removed Felix' hands from his face, only to pull him closer. He pressed a chaste kiss on the blond's lips, making Jongdae and Minseok cheer loudly at them.

«Such an innocent kiss,» Minseok grinned, having something in his mind. He reached for Jongdae's neck, suddenly pulling him closer and pressing his lips onto the other's, indicating a not so innocent kiss. Jongdae was taken by surprise but just smiled into the kiss, tilting his head a bit to prevent their noses from bumping into each other. They heard a loud gasp, and as they broke apart they saw how Changbin had put his hand over Felix' eyes, staring at them wide-eyed. 

«I have to protect his innocence,» he explained, swallowing dryly. «Because dang, that was hot.»

Minseok chuckled at that remark, while Jongdae hit his shoulder. «They are children!» he scolded his boyfriend, not really mad though as he too was smiling. 

Felix and Changbin bid their goodbyes and left the shop shortly after. They had a date to continue on after all. And thus, Jongdae was left alone with Minseok. 

«Sooo... why are you here? I thought you had lectures to attend?» he asked curiously, absentmindedly combing with his fingers through Minseok's hair. «Nice hair colour by the way. It suits you.»

«The lecture got cancelled, so I thought I'd drop by. And I know, your reaction when I came in told me enough.» He smirked, giving the other a wink.

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