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I know that everyone has their own problems and they can't always reply to messages. But today I just feel like I'm easily forgotten about.

Nobody thinks, "oh god, I better message Katie today! See how she's doing. I miss her."

Maybe I'm over thinking it, but I just feel so left out of everything people do. I'm second to last on everything.

Like no shade but I thought joining twitter would help me get more friends, people who care about me. But somehow I feel like I have even less friends than before.

In the chat its all, "aw ily all of you guys so much! You guys are the best!!!"

But outside of it, it feels like they secretly don't like me. Every single one of them just happen to forget me in those tagging things? Saying how much they all love and couldn't live without each other, but never me.

I wasn't that important in their lives I guess. Eventually I'll just feel less and less wanted there, and I'll stop talking in the groupchat. Wanting to talk so bad but not feeling wanted or cared about so I'll leave the chat

It seems like these days people only talk to me when they want affection. Maybe because I'm such a caring person. But whatever. Maybe I'm over thinking it.

I just don't want to be so easily forgotten. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

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