Something In The Window

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Jayde's POV (Jayde is above)

Blaze and I walk into the school library. "You didn't have to come."

"Tell that to our teacher, Blaze." I reply, snatching a book from the shelf and sitting on one of the couches. "Ooh, this books about a human girl falling in love with a werewolf alpha male. How crazy is that?"

"Just as weird as you having two different coloured eyes." Blaze says, sitting down next to me.

I glare at him. "That's coming from the Beta Male who has two different coloured eyes too, huh?"

"Hmph." Blaze huffs, reading his book upsidedown.

"Hey, Jay! Hey, Blaze!" A couple of the werewolves call, as they pass us in the library.

I chuckle, as I wave to them before reading my book again. "You know..." Blaze says. "The other werewolves probably look up to us too, as well as Aphmau and Ein."

I shrug, reading. "Yeah, probably. And since we're always hanging out with each other, the humans and meif'was think we actually like each other."

"Yeah." Blaze says, and I remember back to when Dottie told me about her little crush...


Dottie and I stood in the corner of the girls' changing room. She had asked me to meet her in there to discuss something. At first, I thought it was about something I did wrong.

"Jay, can I tell you something and you promise to keep it a secret?" Dottie asked.

I nodded. "If I tell a soul, promise me you'll hit me."

"Okay." She laughed. "I kinda have a huge crush on Blaze sorta."

"You do or you don't, Dot. You can't have kinda or sorta." I looked at her, before glancing behind us.

Dottie sighed. "Okay, I do like Blaze, a lot! You happy?!"

"No." I replied, looking at the ground, my ears bent and my tail between my legs.

"I'm sorry, Jayde. I don't know what came over me." Dottie apologises. "I'm sorry."

I smile at her, as my ears point back up and my tail swishes back and forth. "That's okay. Let's go find Daniel and Rylan so we can play frisbee!"



"Dottie." I mutter, causing Blaze to ask me if I'm okay. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinkin' about something like Aph does from time to time."

"Heh, of course you would." Blaze chuckles. I shoot a glare at him before seeing something in the window.

"Did you see that?" I ask Blaze, throwing my head to face the window.

Blaze looks at me before looking at the window. "See what? There's nothing there. Okay, Jayden, I'm taking you to the nurse, you're scaring the heck out of me."

"Did you just call me Jayden?!" I growl, and he starts running to the door. "BLAZE!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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