"How is it possible for that stripper to be a headmistress?! She owned a brothel and going to married to a drug lord!" Luna said as low as possible.

"That ladies, means you're lack of information about her. Well, not your fault for not knowing it. She never once announced it herself. She has a degree in education. She even graduated top of her class. Trust me, that huge gazongas woman is a genius, just like the rest of her family." Wow ... a stripper with a teaching degree.

"She's an ex-assassin as well," Eric added.

"That woman is such a renaissance lady," Viola added.

Hold on! Assassin?!

"Seriously ... just think of the student she produces in that school! Even pigs could fly if she manages it." Eloise was not very convinced about it.

"Don't underestimate that woman. I thought you learned your lesson when you look down on her." Eloise seems taken aback and avoided any further bantering with Viola.

It's like Luna manage to see my curiosity.

"A few years ago, Eloise didn't know that Natalya is actually a master in martial arts. She challenges the woman to a duel. That's when Eloise lost her dignity as well." Luna explained to me.

Eloise was beaten? How? With that huge knockers?


Looking at the night scenery reminds me of the time when I was madly in love with Roger. There's something about him that made it all seems perfect in my eyes even though it's not.

With Eloise, it's different. In truth, everything is perfect but something was lacking. I always asked myself, why did I decide to be with Eloise rather than finding another man?

Is it because of money? Why did I decided to give it a try? At my age, I can't simply be experimenting with my own sexuality any longer. Do I love that woman?

My heart do swells every time I see her and I think that's love.

Do I find her attractive? I do but not physical. I find her heart and kindness attractive. She's hot but ... that's not what I'm looking for in this relationship.

She gave me everything, she gave Nia everything but I always thought that something was lacking in our relationship. What is it? I don't even know!

"Claudette? What are you doing alone out here? It's cold, you need a jumper." I heard Eloise said when she's finally home. I turned to face her.

"Eloise ... do you find out relationship lack of something?" I asked her straight to the point.

"I don't think so. Why do you think that?" She kept her phone away and went out to the balcony. She took my hand and looked into my soul.

"It's just ... looking at Maya and Ayame, they seem happy whenever they're together. For us, I don't know. We act like we're friends rather than lovers. Do you find me attractive? Does your feelings for me change after you see me in my true form? Do you find me fat now that I've gained so much weight?" I asked.

I thought she be all nervous but she's not. She actually acted pretty calm about it. This is the difference when you're dating a woman rather than a man.

"I do find you attractive, inside and out. My feelings never change and no, you look amazing. In my eyes, you never gained any weight at all." She smiled.

Geez! She really knows how to make me feel better.

"Really? My old clothes doesn't fit much." I said while she kissed my hands.

Dangerous Woman (GirlxGirl) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now