**✿❀Chapter Seven: Zane, the Maid Café Hit❀✿**

Start from the beginning

"Yes, really. I understand with the new costumers, you'll need help. It's not... the most appealing idea to me, but I'll do it if you really want me to." A grin spreads across my face, growing wider and happier with each word. I pull him in for a hug.

"Uh- Nana!" He shrieks.

"I'msohappyyousaidyesImeanIwassoworried!! EEEEEEE!!" I scream. Zane lightly pushes me aside, harder then he would have pushed Garroth, I'm sure. 

"W-Whatever." Zane awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, giving his tail a swish. I giggle.

"Yaaaaay~" I whisper, trying to be not as loud as before. Zane smiles.

"Yaay. I guess." He mumbles unenthusiastically. He tries to act like he doesn't care, but under his mask, I can make out the slightest ghost of a smile.

Timeskip brought to you by I LOVE DOTTIE SO MUCH OMG

Zane's P.O.V

I glance at myself in the mirror. The café is opening in about thirty minutes, and yet this butler outfit is so uncomfortable. I sigh. How did I get into this mess? All because of Nana's stupidly adorable smile? Urgh.

"Come on Katelyn~Sama, please!" I hear Nana yelling from another room. My ear twitches in curiosity. 

"What's that commotion about?" I say to myself, heading over to where the shouts are coming from.

"Nu-uh, no way. Absolutely not." I see Katelyn, arms crossed, looking stubborn as ever and Nana with a pout on her face. She's also wearing her adorable maid outfit. I feel a blush rise on my face, hidden behind the cloth of my mask. Travis is also standing awkwardly in the background, knowing better than to interrupt.

"B-But I know you'll be a hit too! With all the extra customers and everything!" Nana pleads. Katelyn shakes her head.

"What makes you say that?" Katelyn grumbles.

"Well, your blue hair is really cute! And your smile's nice! And you're the curviest one out of all the girls here!" Nana thinks this will help, but this just makes Katelyn red in the face.

"C-Curvy!? I'm n-not--" Katelyn tries to argue, but Nana immediately counteracts it.

"Yes you are! You're the one who has the best figure!" Nana still doesn't seem to get the hint that Katelyn isn't aware of what she's trying to get at. I sigh and facepalm, quiet enough that I don't attract attention to me.

"No, I'm not." Katelyn protests again. She turns to Travis. I snicker, knowing what's coming next. "Tell her I'm not, please!" She begs. Travis starts to look very uncomfortable.

"Really Katelyn~Sama? You think Travis is the best person to ask to tell me you don't have a nice body? That's funny because I know deep down he agrees with me~" Now Travis is red in the face too.

"K-KAWAIICHANDONTSAYTHINGSLIKETHAT!!" He yells. I roll my good eye, half-wanting to play the superhero and also half-wanting to see how this plays out. In the end, my evil side wins and I don't interfere. Nana lets out an exasperated sigh.

"If you won't do it for me, do it for Aphmau~Senpai! It's her first day back on the job today! She'd love to have you support her!" Nana pleads. This seems to win her over. Katelyn inhales sharply, then lets it out slowly and calmly.


Kawaii~Chan//Nana's P.O.V

Finally! I knew Katelyn~Sama would give in! I still don't see how she can't accept she has a nice figure, but that's beside the point. "YEEEEEEE!! HAHA!!" I yell. "Let me get you your outfit real quick~!" I run over to the closet and pull out the blue maid outfit I already had prepared for this moment, giggling. I dash back over to her as soon as possible. "This one~ Maybe this outfit will help you see how nice your curves are~ Huehuehue.." Katelyn~Sama's blush, which had faded before, returned as soon as I said that.

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