Chapter 13

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Jenny's POV

Its been almost a month since I've noticed Niall with his sudden change of behavior. I mean, there are times when we're talking over the skype and he's always distracted, confused, scared and he seems like he's hiding something from me.

Its not that I dont trust him and all but you see? We're miles apart and he's a popstar and Im just his ordinary girlfriend who used to live on the other side of the world. I dont even know whats happening to him coz seriously, he doesnt tell me a thing.

I know there's something he wants to say. I tried to pry it to him but he just cant say it. I tried to ask Liam about him because I know Liam can handle him but unfortunately he doesnt even know a thing. Also with Lou but she said Niall was being distant with her and Harry lately since the day Aerone, Lou's half-brother, found her and went to their flat.

I decided to went here in London to find it myself what really Niall is up to this time.

I stepped out of the cab and pulled my luggage to the doorstep, the driver pulled it out at the cab's trunk a while ago.

I pressed the doorbell and waited for a minute until the door swung open and found Harry behind it.

He was shocked, still in his pj's and ramones shirt. Like hello curly? Its already 5pm in the afternoon and you're still in that outfit?

"Jen! what brought you here?" he blurted then pulled me in a hug.

I grinned. "I missed you all here! Dont you missed me?" I said making a sad face.

He laughed then dragged my luggage inside the flat. I followed him and found the others at the kitchen wearing the same expression just like him awhile ago.

"Hey... Is that how you receive your visitor now? With your mouths open and shocked faces? Am I some what like an Alien invaded your flat or something?" I rant at them causing Harry to laugh. Then they all tackled me with hugs and kisses.

"Jen! Oi biatch! You came here without even telling me?" Lou pulled my hair in a joking way.

I giggled. "So Im not allowed to come here without telling you first? Is that what you're telling me Lou?" I said smirking.

She slapped my arm and then laughed. "Bitch! no! whatevs! so what brought you here in a sudden? Is it Niall?" she said shifting her mood into serious one.

The lads were staring me intently except Zayn who seems so uncomfortable and Niall, well he's not present at the dinning table and I assumed he was in his room.

I bit my lip then nods. "I should go check him yeah?" I said then they just nod at me and I went to his room.

I knocked on his door but he didnt opened it so I slowly turned the knob and made myself go inside.

He was not in his bed but I heard the shower in his bathroom. I pulled my luggage at the closet beside of his bed when I noticed something stucked out of the drawer.

I curiously pulled over the thing which I later found an envelope. Why do I got this feeling that I need to see what is inside of this envelope?

At first, I hesitated. I dont used on touching Niall's thing especially those things he hasnt allowed me to. But my curiousity took me.

I slipped my fingers and pulled the papers that only God knows what is it.

It was paper documents and pictures. Wrecked car, birth certificates, and pictures of a familiar person.

My heart almost stopped from beating when I finished reading the document. My body was shaking and I think Im gonna pass out. This cant be happening Oh God!

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