Chapter 5

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Rapunzel's POV

Morning came earlier than anticipated and I groaned loudly as giggling was heard beside me. Turning around I saw my dad and mum looking at me.

"Whaddya want?" My voice lacing with sleep. "Just wondering if you wanted to come shopping with us?" Dad groaned loudly at mom's suggestion.

Chuckling lightly, I shook my head no. "Well your loss." Mom kissed my temple and walked out. Dad came over to me pouting.

"Why leave me to suffer?" He groaned. Laughing at him I sat up and hugged his waist. "Look at the bright side at least you'll get to sit."

He groaned even louder before kissing the tip of my nose and walked out. Flopping back on to the bed I listened as they drove off. Sigh now it's just me and the house.

So many things to do this fine Friday morning. I stretched slightly listening to the birds chirping happily. I bet it must be beautiful outside, too bad I ain't going nowhere.

Turning around I pulled the covers over me and shut my eyes, welcoming the sleep that was awaiting me.

•••••••••••••••••••••time skip•••••••••••••••••♪

I awoke later that day to my stomach rumbling. Sighing I stretched my limbs and opened my eyes. Looking around the pitch black room, checking the digital clock it read 2:45 a.m.

I smiled triumphantly, happy that I had slept through the day. I got up from the bed and trudged downstairs. Entering the kitchen I flipped on the light.

I walked towards the fridge and opened it. A huge chocolate chip cake caught my eyes and my face split into a ten mile wide smile.

Grabbing the container it's resided in I placed it on the counter. Grabbing a knife I cut about quarter of the cake,  placing it on a plate. Licking my lips I sat and dug in.

I moaned as the chocolate goodness melted on my tongue. A chuckle was heard and I snapped my head towards the sound. Jax stood there looking at me amused.

"Hey babe." He greeted walking to me. He pecked my cheek softly and sat beside me. "It's that good huh?" He muttered. I moaned in response and he smirked.

"You're welcome by the way." I rolled my eyes at him and relocated myself in the living room. Switching the TV on. I saw my brother walking towards me with the cake.

"Binge watch Supernatural?" I nodded vigorously and he chuckled and that's pretty much how the rest of the night went. And so did the weekend.

Groaning loudly I stretched and slapped my alarm off. "Rapunzel get up sweetie!" My mum shouted from downstairs.

"Yes mom!" I replied. Hurrying to the bathroom I throw my hair in a high bun,  stripping and jumping in the shower after the quick necessities.

I ran towards my walk-in closet and grabbed a Royal Blue ripped jeans, pairing it with a white V-neck and white vans. Pulling on a pair of tight underpants I slipped my clothes on and ran out the room.

Running downstairs I saw my family lined out. Grabbing the backpack from my dad he kissed my nose, the packed lunch from my  mum who kissed me on the temple and my car keys from my brother who kissed my forehead.

Yeah my family all have specific spots to kiss. Waving them bye I ran to the garage and opened it. Pressing the automatic button on the key my black Lamborghini lit up.

RAPUNZEL (boyxboy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें