Chapter 13

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His hands were slick with a dark substance seemingly coming from the tied up person's chest, gushing out of a wide hole, eating it's way into the fabric of his flimsy shirt, drenching it.

And in his slippery hands, he held something that wasn't much bigger than his own fist.

The room was dark, very dark, only three candles on the kitchen table produced enough light that Yoongi barely could see what was going on.

His body was frozen, pure shock and horror running through his veins.

The last thing he remembered before collapsing on the floor in a puddle of his own sweat, was a stranger's face hanging limply from the tied up person's neck.

He could only guess who the all too familiar figure standing in front of the chair was.


"Namjoon, what are you doing up?"

Namjoon's head whipped up, a tired expression painted across his face.

"Jin. You should be asleep", he said, but only a whisper came out. His phone was in his hand, it seemed like he was waiting for something.

"What about yourself?" Jin asked, stepping into the dimly lit living room. They had been let home from the police station just a little while ago, but their phones were being tracked in case Yoongi would try to contact them.

"I'm waiting for a call from my brother", Namjoon simply explained, looking away from his boyfriend's searching gaze.

"Yeah. You told me about that a while ago. It's a shame I haven't met her yet, I hope she will get better so she can see her son happy with someone", Jin said, coming over to the couch where Namjoon was sat. They had talked about this earlier, so Jin knew the story.

Namjoon had told him that his mother was sick.

Jin laid a hand on Namjoon's thigh, sighing as their eyes met.

"Everything will be fine, Joonie, I promise. Yoongi will find a way", Jin tried to reassure the other boy, but Namjoon just furrowed his eyebrows.

"How, Jin?" he asked, a helpless tone in his voice. "How will he do that?"

"I..." Jin started, but he seemed to find no answer as he just let out a long sigh. "I don't know. But you will see him again, I promise".

"If you mean in Heaven, then I can believe in you, but I can't just blindly trust a promise like that. I'm sorry if I sound childish, Jin, but-" Namjoon began, but as he talked along, his voice got more unsteady, until it broke, along with the calm facade he had been holding up. A tear ran down his cheek as he looked down on his hands holding his phone. "He's my best friend".

The words were only a whisper, but they held such weight. Jin could feel that. So he sighed once again, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, who silently continued sobbing, leaning his head on Jin's shoulder for support.

That was until his telephone screen lit up with an incoming call, and Namjoon quickly dried his tears, standing up and walking into the bedroom, closing the door for privacy without a word.

Jin leaned back in the couch, staring at the door.

Everything would be fine, right?


"I will have to talk to this Jimin person tomorrow morning", police inspector Min Kyungsoo uttered into the phone, his colleague and trainee Han Binseol humming in understanding on the other side of the line.

"I tried to do a bit of research on him, if I could find something interesting or relevant, but nothing popped up. Well, if you don't see that at something interesting in itself", Kyungsoo continued.

"What do you mean?" Binseol asked.

"No, nothing. I was just rambling. I can't access his police files for a couple of days, it takes a while to get the application approved, so until then, we just have to rely on the little I got out of his colleague", Kyungsoo said, ruffling a had through his graying hair.

"Do you think he is hiding Yoongi?" Binseol asked after a short silence.

"I don't know. He could be. He would be extremely naive to do so, that's for sure, he might be dealing with a killer without knowing it. I mean, Yoongi must have either told him the truth and convinced the poor man that he is not the killer, or he is a really good liar and gave a false reason. Either way, that man could possibly be in danger right now. I swear to God, if I find Park Jimin dead in his apartment tomorrow, we will track down that bastard and arrest him on the spot", Kyungsoo said, spitting out the last sentence. "I can't believe how he has just slipped out of our clutches."

"Well, he did receive help from his friends. And he must be hiding somewhere in Busan, no one can say they have seen him after he checked out of the hotel. He probably met back up with Park Jimin, who is now hiding him somewhere", Binseol said, a yawn could be heard straight afterwards.

"Yeah. Probably. But he knows we're on to him, so we need to be careful. We should probably try to limit what goes out into the media, as well. That's most likely how he knows where we are in the investigation", Kyungsoo said, rubbing his face.

"Mhm. By the way we sent home the two friends, Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon. We can't know if they helped a murderer until we catch Min Yoongi, so we had to let them go home. Apparently, one of their mothers is sick, and he had to be available on phone for his brother to call him, or something like that. The whole thing was quite suspicious, so I don't know if I believe in it, but I don't know what else it could be", Binseol said, Kyungsoo frowning at her words.

"What do you mean?" he asked, leaning forward.

"Well, I caught him talking to someone on the phone when he said he had to use the toilet, even though I had previously asked for their phones and he said he didn't bring it. Then he said it was his brother, and that their mother was sick. He gave me the phone after that, and I immediately asked Soomin to track the number, so I'm waiting for a report now", Binseol explained.

"Yeah. Suspicious indeed. Did you ask the other guy about it?" Kyungsoo asked, leaning back in his uncomfortable chair.

"No, I didn't. I mean, if one of them is helping Min Yoongi, then I figured they are probably both in on it, so I knew I couldn't trust the answer I got anyway." Binseol said, and Kyungsoo just nodded, humming.

"Aish, this whole thing is tiring me out. I've started to get old, Binseol", he said, putting a hand over his face as he groaned.

His younger colleague couldn't help but chuckle at the comment.

"We should both sleep, and resume the investigation with these fresh leads tomorrow", she said, and Kyungsoo couldn't agree more.

Tomorrow, they would take a new step in the right direction.

And the right direction was yet to reveal itself.


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