Part 46: Silver ring

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it. 


Remus woke up feeling uncomfortably cold from the waist down, something heavy pressing on his back. Looking around he noticed that his head is near someone's leg, not moving, not fully realizing what's going on he slowly backed away. The hand that lied on his back, slid to the ground. Straightening in the sitting position, his mind still foggy, Remus tried to remember.

Suddenly, his back stiffened as he started to recall bits and pieces from last night.

Spinning around to see if Snape was still alive. A sigh of relief escaped his lips when he noticed that the other man was merely sleeping. He stood up and walked to the place where his clothes were, dressed and sit on the ground, looking at the slumbering Snape. He could wake him up but he needed time to think, wondering if he should feel angry or happy.

Angry at Severus and Dumbledore for pulling this insane stunt.

Happy that Severus was unharmed.

Remus wondered if anyone else in Snape's place could say the same.

"Nothing happened, as I knew it would not." Snape's voice echoed through the room, startling him. Severus was awake and he stretched as he stood up.

"What you did...if you were wrong..." whispered Remus, the thingle of horror in his voice

"I am rarely wrong Lupin..."

"And last night I was Remus."

" I said, before you interrupted me, I am rarely wrong. I was in no danger from you." Snapped Snape at him.

"Wouldn't bet on being in no danger from me now." Growled Remus, annoyed by Severus's attitude. "I do not appreciate you playing with my skin like that. If I have bit you... If I attacked you..."

"I would survive. I had Albus as protection and the link."

"You would still be cursed and I'd be in Azkaban."

"I stuck my hand in your cage for past 4 full moons, if you were out to bite me I'd be joining you in that cage a long time ago" Snape was cold, with an annoyed look on his face. He walked out of the cage, took his wand and lowered the wards. "How do you feel?"

"I can walk. Bit of sleep and I can hold my afternoon classes. Whatever you did with the potion, I don't feel so tired after transformation anymore." He stood up following Snape to his laboratory and gulped the potions that Snape placed on the table.

"Yes, in many aspects I am satisfied how potion worked. No more tears and scarring. You are not dangerous, to me at least. In addition, you do not react to silver."

"You cannot know that!" He protested, it was one to state the obvious but another to claim something based on the theory.

Snape looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"And when did I claimed something like that?" Voice was a low hiss, Snape stepped toward him and suddenly Remus felt the urge to back away.

Severus was still fixating his eyes, he slowly raised a left hand. Remus gasped, on Snape's middle finger was a silver ring.

"Did you completely lost your mind!!? To enter in my cage, that alone was insane enough, but that...that.... How Albus even agreed to that?"

"Albus gave me a certain amount of autonomy. This was my decision."


"Me? Go to bed Remus. What was done - is done." Snape turned his back and walked to the table covered with books and scrolls.

Remus sighed, feeling slightly dizzy he went to his bed but sleep didn't come to him. His mind was rushing, still panicking at the prospect what could happen last night.

Friend was safe , reassured him the voice in his head.

"Was he?" He mumbled under his breath.

Not going to harm friend.

"I know. But..."

I knew he had a ring. Seen the ring. Allowed the ring. Remus gasped. Rest now.

Finally, he closed his eyes and dozed off.

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