Part 34: Signature prank

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it.


Remus waited until he heard the water running, then jumped out of bed, dressed in the least wrinkled clothes he could find and found a piece of parchment. Scribbled a note and darted out of the room. He did not want to face...

What I can't face? Severus or bruises?

He could not decide.

Stopping in the first-floor student's toilet to wash his face. Looking at the mirror and his hair, still changing colours, he smacked at the mirror hard, breaking it.

"That is seven years of bad luck. Kekekekekeke...." Sang the thin. eery voice.

"Not in a mood Myrtle." He growled.

"You never are anymore." Sniffled Myrtle. "What are we going to do today?"

"Nothing....wait. Can you go to the Professor's bathrooms?"

"I can go wherever I want."

"Fine, flood all bathrooms of all professors. Can you do that?"

"If I try very hard." Sang Myrtle giggling and disappeared.

Remus looked at his reflection in the broken mirror and grinned. Half an hour later, he was sitting in staff room drinking tea.

Minerva marched in, her hair dripping, still wet, she huffed greeting and slumped in a chair with a cup of strong tea. Next was Madam Hooch, Flitwick, Charity,... However, when Sybil crept into the room, murmuring shy greeting and sat with a cup of tea, Remus started to giggle openly.

Minerva gave him one stern look then, rose from the chair.

"Remus Lupin! I should have known! If you were, still my student you would be earning a month of detention."

"I'm sorry Minerva, I just couldn't ...."

"I do not know what got into you! This hair! Your improper behaviour. Pranks! On the staff!!! I swear, it's like you are a student all over again."


"And look at your hand, to the infirmary, right now. I'll inform Dumbledore." with a stern look she sent him to Poppy.

Poppy was not so gentle either, grumbling about "signature work" and "didn't miss that type of pranks". For the rest of the day, most of his colleagues avoided him or glared at him.

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