Part 35: Drastic measures

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it.


Five more days passed. Lupin became masterful at avoiding him. In any other situation, he would be glad to admit that he got his peace back. Only now, that was not the case. He wanted to proceed, he desired to see wolf again, to talk to him.

Severus sipped his tea, looking at Albus over the teacup edge. They were at Albus's' office, and Snape wondered Do we understand each other?Albus was annoyingly calm about the whole situation, giving him advice that led nowhere.

"Give him more time Severus, he will come around and come back to you..."

"Albus you are not a marriage counsellor, and we are not a married couple in trouble. I am a scientist and my guinea pig just run under the cupboard where I can't reach him."

"He is not a pet Severus, he is a human, with human feelings."

"That is a matter of opinion, Albus. Even if he was a human, now he is just a mouse, not even the beast he used to be. Let me ask you Albus, is your precious house magnet for those without a brain?"

"Now, now Severus, who is acting like deserted spouse at the moment?"

"As I recall, I told you that I am not a pet owner. You insisted. Now your precious pet, placed under my care, against my will, run away."

"Did you tried to reach to him?"

"I might try to put a bowl of water and some kibble if you stop feeding him." Snorted Severus

"My dear boy...."

"I am not in a mood Albus. We are running out of time. There are much bigger things I need to do instead of walking on eggshells, trying not to shatter his sensitive feelings."

"What did he do that so annoyed you, my boy?" Snape glared at Albus, his glares never worked on the old wizard but he could not help himself.

He placed teacup on the table, reached into his robe pocket and tossed a handful of parchment pieces at the table.

"This bloody notes. I keep finding them everywhere. The last one was at my desk, in my classroom. My classroom Albus. Let me read it to you." He hissed and picked one scrap out of the pile. "I am sorry Severus, I still can't talk to you. I still can't forgive myself for hurting you. I am not asking you to forgive me either. We will talk, but later. Thank you for all your understanding. "

"I do not see anything wrong with it."

"You do not. What if one of my students found that note?" He felt anger choking him. Annoying old man and his soft spot for idiots and dunderheads.

"I am sure that he did not think..." Tried Albus.

"He never does, does he?" He croaked. "At any rate, this is not why I wanted to talk to you. As I stated before, we are running out of time, there is, however, the way..."

"I am listening."

"You may not like it, but it is something recommended by old documents. We could speed up the ... ah, healing...the process, by surrounding him with stones. Specific crystals..."

"That is an old and archaic thing, Severus. I know that medicine still uses it but...this is a different matter altogether."

"Albus, on this full know what I plan to do. I would rather not endanger myself more than I need to."

"How can I assist you?"

"Just, be there, at least at the beginning. I cannot take my wand and I am not too fond of that prospect."

"Are you sure about this?"

"It is needed. Do you see any other candidates? If you do, let me know and I will gladly step down."

"All right. Then, the matter is settled. I would ask you, however, to wait just a little bit longer with crystals. I cannot agree to that at this point."

"As you wish, for now. I am certain that we would have to use that method in the end. Gryffindors' and guilt do not go together well; they tend to crumble under pressure."

"Come now Severus, no need for insults." Chuckled Albus and Severus took his teacup again.

"Day or two would not make much difference, but you talk to him again. If for nothing else, than to stop making the entire staff angry at him. He is worse than Peeves." Grunted Severus and Albus chuckled again.

Unwanted pet (Snupin) *Complete*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora