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"Andy! About time you answered your fucking phone." Tierra said angrily whispering over the phone.

"What? These tunnels barely give service." he sighed "Is there a problem."



"W T F" Adre yelled

"WHAT THE FUCK." Kathy and Vincent yelled in unison

"HE had that shit coming." Kathy laughs

"Ohk we are going to call James. He will hack the servers, giving 30 minutes of down time to get in and not be recognized. We will be at the west quarter of the capitol building. You need to let us in and lead us to the girls." Andy explained

"Ohk soooo.... back up plan if this goes wrong. I'm going to need to brainwash you." Tierra said nervously.

"Uhmm what." Andy said confused

"Now that's a plan." Adre laughed high-fiving Kathy.

"Sheittttttt. As long as my brain not getting scattered. I'm g." Eric smiles

"Bitch! Who the fuck are you. No one was talking about you." Kathy said


"Ohk guys, get up! The gang is getting back together" Tierra said throwing clothes at the girls
"Andy is coming?" Joanne said
"Great! I need a gun." Rinoa smiled
"And I need my food." Shaohua devilishly smiled
"Ohk?" Tierra said weirded out. "Um, get dressed"
"Do you think we will ever have freedom from this evil we call a government." Adre says looking out the car window.
"I hope so." Eric sighs
"I miss my family. I miss my sister." Adre says with a tear dropping from her eye.
"Don't cry! Andy is going to fight this, Tierra, you, me, all of us. We aren't going to stop trying." Eric said comforting her.
"But how can we trust Tierra anymore," adre said worried.
"Just like we trusted the rest. With hope." Eric said smiling looking at adre.
"Look at you being all Wise." Adre smiled wiping her tears.
"Shietttttt, well I gotta let it out once in while. Throwin' some words of wisdom for my sis." He laughed
"Oh there it goes. Your "elaborate" vocabulary" she laughed lifting her head up
"We are heading to the west quarter so hide your faces and don't talk." Tierra whispers
"Just because you are older, doesn't mean you can call the shots. We are still taller than you." Rinoa laughed
"Haha, very funny! I have a gun." Tierra said smirking
"I was kidding! But seriously the capital changed you." Rinoa whispered
"Yea how did you get here." Joanne said curiously
"It's a long story." Tierra said avoiding the question
"We got time." Shaohua said
"Yes but this is not the time. When it is time then yes I will tell, but just trust me for now and know I would never purposefully harm you guys." Tierra said
"Harm! What did you do?" Joanne questioned
"It's time to get in the tunnels. The guards distracted as plan. It's about a minute ride so let's signal James." Vicenta stated.
"Already got him on the phone." Kathy said
"Ohk , in 20 seconds the electricity for the capital will shut down. It will then turn back on in about one minute after, and then every body's ID chip will be rebooted, you guys will have About 30 minuets before being identified. Make it quick and save them." James explained on speaker phone
"Let's go guys." Andy says openings the tunnel gates. "When we get to the west quarter head in last Andy. Vincent will guide you guys."
"I got and have plan B just in case we get caught and if plan B needs to take action, we will fight when the time right." Andy said confidently
"We are almost there-" Tierra is then pushed against the wall.
"Run." Tierra yelled "Wang get off me. You are brainwashed. This is not you." Tierra screamed
"Presidents orders."  He said with a blank face before dragging Tierra down the capital building hall.
"Eliminator Nguyen, the girls are heading to west quarter. If they step one foot out of this building, shoot the down. Presidents orders."
As soon as Andy's father heard that the power went off.
"Shit." He cursed "Let's head the west quarter. Some little girls are being bad." He signaled his men
"We should've fought for Tierra." Rinoa said breathing hard reaching the tunnel gate
"Yeas but assuming her connection with Archus, he is not going to kill her that easy. Its better that we all fight together than with no weapons or backup." Joanne stated
"I need a med kit. This is going to be a long day." Shaohua sighed
"Indeed it is." An evil laugh came from behind her as a gun was pointed to her temple "where did you think you were going." He questioned
Rinoa and Joanne were grabbed by to other Eliminators.
All the sudden tunnel gates were pushed upen buy Vincent.
He looked Andy's father in the eye "shit! We are going to die"
"Bitch we better fight." Kathy yelled pulling out her gun.
"Kathy, remember what he said. We will when we have to." Adre whispered
"Fuck." Kathy frowned
Grab them and take then to the top floor
10 minutes later
Andy came running in looking around the west quarter looking for everyone. He started running more towards the hallway but then a familiar voice rang through his ears.
"Stop right there. Son." he commanded. Andy turned around and faced his father exhausted and angry.
"Don't tell me. do.." he panted, "I'm old enough to do what I want."
"And do you have a better reason as to why you are doing this? Son, there's no way out of this now. There's no other tunnel, no back up plan, and no whatever you else you have up your sleeve. Have you forgotten who you are?"
"I'm fucking aware of who I am FORCED to be, yes. And I fucking hate it. Dad do you understand what this whole Eliminator shit is doing?! There are better ways to control our population without killing innocent people who just want a long and happy life."
His father sighed, "Son you are better than tha-"
"Where's everyone?"
"That's not impor-"
"WHERE ARE THEY!?!?!?!" Andy furiously yelled, " Tierra, Adre, Eric, James, Jo.....where.the fuck.are they?"
His father sighed and said quietly, "At the capital Interrogation sequence." He looked behind Andy, "and Tierra is coming your way."
Andy ran his finger through his hair in frustration, "Did you order that to happen?" He turned around looking at Tierra handcuffed.
No answer.
"I fucking knew it. They did nothing wrong dad! If anything I should be there right now! It was all my fault. I shou-"
"Don't think you can lie straight to my face and get away with it son."

"I'm not even lying. It's the truth." He said frustrated "why is Tierra separated."
"She is here to strap you up. We have little experiment to conduct son. It didn't go so well with Ms. Lao, but Mr. Vang responded well." He smiled

"I'm sorry Andy." Tierra cried as Andy got a bag put over his head and grabbed by eliminators.

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