A Clue-Pt5

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Part 5

"Ohk we got some ice cream, chips, hot pockets-" Shaohua was cut off by Joanne

"Ugh Shaohua, where is the car?" Joanne whispers worried

"What do you mean? It's right ther-" Shaohua looks up and immediately her face turns red.

"Ummm guys we have a problem, there are people walking our way. Do we run or fight?" Rinoa asked in panic.

"Obviously Run, my ice cream is gonna melt." Shaohua says starting to turn around.

Joanne pulls Shaohua back, "We are going to fight, because we can't lead them back to the Phoenix House." Joanne says. "So put down the food and Call Andy."

"Ugh fine." Shaohua sighs as she takes one last look at her bag of food and puts it down.

"Hey you three, Show us your ID." An unknown man starts yelling.

"I'm sorry, but we are in a hurry. Maybe next time." Rinoa says ask she put her hand behind her back reaching for her gun.

"ID NOW!" The man yells

"SHE SAID NO!" Joanne screams as she kicks the man in the face.

3 other men start running to the commotion

"We are eliminators under President Damned. STOP NOW."

"This little girl just kicked me in the face." The man said grabbing on to the left side of his face.

"Did you just call my friend little." Rinoa says raging.

She runs to one of the men on the left punching him in the throat. "Think before you speak idiot." She yells.

After the punch, the man pushed Rinoa to the ground.

"You guys are really wasting my time and spoiling my food." Shaohua comes running in punching one of the men in the groin.

The man pulls Shaohua's hair making her fall to the ground.

"Remember training." Joanne yells

"Got it!" Rinoa stands up twisting one of the mens arm punching him in the nose.

"Did you call? Rinoa yells.

"Yeah and he is pissed, but he is coming. Adre is going to be pissed too." Shaohua says as she kicks one of the men in the stomach.


"Vincent, Lok, Kathy, Lets go! Rinoa, Shaohua, and Joanne are in trouble." Andy says running.

"What the hell. Are there no breaks to this?" Kathy says sighing.


As soon as they pull up to the supermarket Shaohua is being dragged into a big black van with blood on her coat and a eliminator on the floor in the pull of blood.

"ANDY HEL-" the sound of Rinoa's voice is cut off by the sound of the door being shut and the van driving off

"So Adre is going to be pissed." Kathy smirked.

"FUCK." Andy screamed.

"I wonder who killed the eliminator." Lok turned to Vincent.

"Most likely Rinoa." Vincent sighed.

*RING*RING* Andy picks up the phone to hear Adre screaming on the other end of the phone "Where the hell is Shaohua. I got shot,"

"Andy where are you." Chen said impatiently.

"On our way back. Lok, Vincent, Kathy and I went to go save Shaohua, Joanne, and Rinoa, but we were too late."

"WHAT." Chen yelled

"We'll explain when we get there."


"Male almost 6 ft, female around 5 ft 1-2. On the run on the border of the capital." Tierra describes into the walkie talkie running after the two.

"Ms. Bradley, do we shoot?" a responder asks.

"If you don't I will." Tierra says lifting her gun




2 hours before Adre was shot by Andy


Adre opened the door to see Tierra standing there in all Black attire, with a gun strapped to her leg.

"T-tierra?" Adre says confused "Where have you been, we haven't seen you for weeks."

"I'm- I'm sorry. I can't be here long but something very bad is about to happen to you guys."

"You guys? What the hell are you talking about?" Adre says confused.

"Ms. Bradley It's time to go." A man yells from a black car.

"Uhmmm, BYE. I'm sorry."

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