PART 28: ALLAH IS THE GUARDIAN [Surah Yusuf 12: 62 -65]

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62. And he said to his young men “Place their merchandise in their luggage so that they may recognize it when they returned to their family, so that they may return”.

63. So when they returned to their father, they said “O our father, the measure has been denied to us. So send with us our brother that we may get the measure, and we will surely be to him guardians”.

64. He said “How can I trust you with him except as I trusted you with his brother before? But Allah is the best of guardians and the most merciful of those who show mercy.”

65. And then when they opened their baggage they discovered their merchandise returned to them. They said “O our father, what more could we ask? This is our merchandise returned to us. We will get provision for our family, we will protect our brother, and we will be increased an extra camel-load of measure. That is an easy measure”.

Yusuf (AS) had a plan to bring his younger brother Binyamin to Egypt. To set this plan in motion Yusuf (AS) gave them one more incentive. His brothers brought merchandise to trade for grain, and Yusuf asked his employees to placed these merchandise into their luggage without their knowledge so they may come back again. Another reason of returning their merchandise was because he (AS) did not want to take anything from his family. They were sent by his beloved father to get the grain, and he didn't want to charge his father for it. Also, he knew they were poor, so if he takes this merchandise, they will not be able to come for a  second round because this is all they have.

In the next verse, they inform their father about Yusuf's request of bringing Binyamin with them and the threat if they fail to do so. Ya'qub responded to them by saying, “You have done this to me once before.  Do you think that I’m that foolish that I will let you take Binyamin as well?”  This shows that all of these years have gone by and he still hasn't forgotten what they had done to Yusuf, and he didn't believe the story of the wolf.

Ya'qub (AS) was in a difficult position. On the one hand he didn't want to send Binyamin with them as he doesn't trust his sons and on the other hand, there was also the famine that had gripped his land. His family was in desperate need of food, and his sons had just told him that they would not get any unless he sends Binyamin with them. This is why he (AS) decided to send him with them and says “But Allah is the best of guardians and the most merciful of those who show mercy.” Meaning I am not relying on you to protect Binyamin rather I am putting my trust in Allah (swt). Last time when Ya'qoob (AS) sent Yusuf (AS) with the brothers he did not mention Allah (swt), but this time he does, and he hopes that because of that Binyamin will be safe. As we will see later on in the Surah, this prayer of Ya'qoob (AS) was answered. Binyamin was completely safe, and no harm whatsoever came to him. In fact, he went to a much better place. He went to his brother Yusuf (AS).


1. The one lesson that we can take from verse 62 is to remind ourselves how important it is to take care of those under our care. Allah (swt) is pleased with us when we try to take care of our families, making sure that all of their needs are taken care of. Do we today have the same concern for our family? Do we take the time to ask them how they are doing? Do we try to help them and see to their needs in whatever way that we can? Yusuf (AS) was living a comfortable life in an advanced country, but he did not forget about his family back home.

2. Allah (swt) is pleased with us when we strive to complete a task, taking every step that is needed.  Yusuf (AS) had the determination to bring his younger brother to Egypt. He had a goal, and he took many steps in order to reach his goal.

3.  If we want protection and mercy, then we should remember that Allah (swt) is the Best of Guardians and He (swt) is the Most Merciful of those who have mercy. People can have mercy. People can give protection. But what is their mercy and their protection when compared to Allah (swt)? We should always remember that if Allah (swt) chooses to protect us, then there is no one who can harm us after that. If Allah (swt) chooses to have Mercy on us, then we will not feel any pain after that. The Mercy of Allah (swt) is the real Mercy. The protection from Allah (swt) is the real safety.

4. It is part and parcel of human nature to take people’s reputation into account.  The brothers have done damage, their reputation is smeared, that's why their father is not going to let them do this again.  It is human nature that we judge a person by his character and by his reputation.

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