Bewitched (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

The sound of dry food pellets hitting the tin bowl made her look and she almost cringed when she saw the brown bits.

Do I have to eat that? What happened to the canned food like last night?

"Here. Eat up," Taeyeon said, standing up.

Tiffany averted her eyes and sniffed the bowl. It doesn't smell much different than last night's food, to be quite honest. Maybe I should just consider this breakfast cereal with meat flavor. Yeah. Let's just do that.

She hesitantly took a bite, chewed the crunchy pellets and washed it down with water.

Ugh. What I'd do for a burger right now.

"Good girl."

She heard Taeyeon say and felt her rub her head before walking away.

Tiffany was still eating when she felt something cold on her butt and yelped, jumping away.

"Sorry sorry. Did I startle you? I'm sorry."

Tiffany growled at Taeyeon who was holding a wet wipe in her hand. "Where the heck do you think you're touching, missy?!"

Bark. Bark.

"I said I'm sorry! I want to clean you up a bit after your toilet trip, that's all. It doesn't hurt. It's just a bit wet and cold."

"Are you kidding me?!"


"Come on, Ginger. Just one quick wipe, okay?" Taeyeon reached out, trying to hold the dog that had backed away into the corner. She grabbed both sides of her body, pulled her then pinned her under one arm while her other hand quickly cleaned the dog's behind.

"Y-yah! Let me go! Hey! That's... YAH! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!"

Tiffany barked and squirmed throughout the entire five-second ordeal until Taeyeon let her go.

"Done!" Taeyeon said with a sigh. "Sheesh. You'd think I was torturing you from how you barked and squirmed like that. It's for your own good, Ginger." She threw away the wipe and washed her hands. "Hygiene is important."

"I feel so violated."

Tiffany let out a scoff.

"Now go finish your food," ordered Taeyeon as she hurriedly left the kitchen.

"I've lost my appetite thanks to you womanhandling me," mumbled Tiffany, walking to the living room instead. She plopped down on the carpet and sighed, thinking of the amount of work she should've been doing today. I hope Key can handle everything. Then again, he designed those cool sneakers on his own and he was the one who warned me about that witch so he actually knew better. Much better than I ever gave him credit for. He even entrusted me in Taeyeon's care and that's definitely a good thing. I should treat him better from now on.

Tiffany felt sleepy and was about to doze off when she heard Taeyeon's voice.


She didn't move let alone answer.

"Oh there you are." Taeyeon saw the dog on the carpet. "Why didn't you finish your food?"

Because you molested me in the middle of breakfast, genius.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Tiffany sensed Taeyeon next to her and felt her hand on her head. She wished she could stop the tail wagging when Taeyeon scratched her ears but it was like an automatic function she couldn't disable.

Stupid body. These creatures are so simple, I don't even... Sigh...

"I have a meeting so I'll leave you alone for a few hours. Please finish your food? I've left you some snacks too. They're near your water. Get some sleep. I know you barely slept last night. Must be weird sleeping in a stranger's bed, huh?"

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