Chapter 8

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Kages pov
Her words came as a shock to me. The girl I thought would dance on my grave if I died right now had feeling for me. I smiled "so if I were to kiss you right now you would kiss back?" I asked beaming. "No I'd push you away." She said laughing. I put my hands on either side of her body so that I was over here. I raised my eyebrow, "would you?" I said smirking. I started to lower my face before grabbing her leg and putting it around my waist. I started to lower my head befor, "Kage....kage where the hell are you bro." Kai yells through the house. "Oh am I interrupting something?" He said wiggling his eyebrows with some type of deranged smile in his face. "Yeah!" I said "no." Adrianna Says at the same time. "Yes you were little brother so what do you want." I said. "No you weren't I was just gonna push him of of me anyway I was just waiting for his cute little lead up to be over." She said smiling. "Oh really? I said looking at her. "Yup just like this." She said before pushing me off of her. I laid there astonished. "Fucking ridiculous." I said under my breath. I sat up "what do you want Kai?". "Well kage damitree Ramirez—" He was cut off "damitree?!" Adrianna yelled. I looked over at Kai gritting my teeth. He continued "we have that...thing in a about twenty minuets.". I understood what he meant. I turned to Adrianna "I have to handle something I'll be back in about an hour or so I'll bring food." "Alright damitree be safe." She said laughing. I rolled my eyes before getting off the trampoline. I looked over to see Kai laughing to. "Hahahaha-shut the fuck up." He walked through the house to the front door. We got in the car. I glared at him for a while. "What motherfucker?" He said. "What if she would have known our last name." I said to him "you still didnt tell her?" He said shaking his head. "The fuck do you want me to say hey I'm the leader of the strongest Mafia since 1990!?" He liked at me before rolling his eyes. We pulled up at the safe house and walked in." We went into the office and I sat in the chair and Kai stood next to me ." There was a guy tied up in front of me probably begging for his life to bad I didn't care. "So you owe me over 12k and you tried to steal it from the people of my city and tried to rape two beautiful women who were visiting." I said folding my hands "let me tell you something mark when people get hurt down here then they tell there friends who tell there friends and people stop coming and I loose money and you know how mad my boys and I get when we loose money so we gotta handle this." "Kai what do you think we should do with this pansy?" He looked at me and smiled before putting two fingers up. "I like the way you think little bro." I clapped my hands my boys came in and stood lined up and front of me. "Give em to the dogs." I said before smiling. He started to scream and cry but I tuned him out by thinking about my girl. I heard the dogs start to bark and got up to give them their word. "Kai how bout you do it today." He smiled before it became a evil like frown, his eyes darkened he clapped his hands to silence the dogs. The both sat and faced him. "Eat." And with that they started to attack.
Adrianna's pov
I was sitting in the living room watching tv when kage and Kai walked in the door. "We got food!" Kai said in a sing song way. "Yay I'm starving." I said getting up to wash my hands. They brought sushi no one knows how much I love sushi. "So are you kages girlfriend?" Kai asked. I choked of my food. "God no." I said placing my hand on my forehead kage started to laugh. "Don't make me sound so horrible." Kage said looking at me. "Oh but you are your literally why I locked my self in a room for two weeks." I said laughing. "Point taken." He said rolling his eyes. "Does your brother do this often?" I asked Kai. "Do what?" He said continuing to eat. "Hold females against their will." I said kage snapped his head towards me. "Nah this is a first for me too." He said. "Ok guys let's shut the fuck up." He said running his hand through his hair. "Hey mr leave my sister in law alone." Kai said. Kage and I snapped our heads up in unison. I felt my cheeks start to get hot "and on that note I'm gonna go get ready for bed." I got up and made my way to the stairs. "Wait." Kage stopped me. "Where are you sleeping?" He asked placing his hands of my waste. "In my room the doors fixed." I said. "No sleep with me." He begged. I chuckled and shook my head no before turning to go up stairs. I took a shower and got in bed. I laid on my phone for about and hour before I started to doze off. I heard my door open before a certain someone got in the bed. I turned to face him, "kage really." "I couldn't sleep without you, look what you've done to me love." He whispered. He moves my hair out of my face. He looks at me for a good minute before wrapping his arms around my waste and pulling me into him. "You're fucking me up." He says softly.
I was sitting in the bathroom doing my hair. Kages friend was having a party and he was making me go. Of corse I had to be with him at all times. We had went to the mall and picked out outfits and other stuff he just insisted on buying me. I finished my hair and put on some lip gloss. I added my final touches to my outfit before grabbing my phone and walking down stairs. "You're so sexy." Kage says with a smile. I roll my eyes walk towards the door. We got in the car and drove off. "I want you next to me at all times yes these are kids from our school but they don't take no for an answer." Kage said seriously. "Or you could just take me back to your house and you could go alone." I said. "You don't wanna have fun with me babe." He said placing his hand on my thigh. "I don't really do parties." I said removing his hand. "Says the girl I met at a party." I decided to keep quiet I knew this was a battle I wasn't going to win. I hated going to party's I rather be in bed with a good book. Once we got to the party he grabbed my hand as we walked in. Almost all eyes were on us and it gave me major anxiety but then again it felt good to be noticed. Every girl and their mom were gawking at kage but he didn't pay them any mind he did look good though. He had on a white tee that really showed off his arms and a pair of blue jeans. Two guys probably a little older than us came up to him. "Good to see you boss." One said. He nodded his head and continued to walk to a table. I was confused on why they called him boss even if he did have a higher position in what ever he did, 'boss' just seems a little uncalled for. "What do you do for work?" I yelled over the music. "We'll talk later." He blew me off. I see Kai and called him over I got up to hug him. We had become very close in the last 24 hours. He's hilarious and loved to play around I liked that about him. "Hey sis in law!" He said smiling. "I told you not to call me that dumb shit." I said laughing. "Watch your mouth." They both said in unison. The song that played caught my attention it was Barbie tingz by nicki Minaj. I started to sing and sway my hips a little making the boys laugh.  "I I I I I'm so fly just bagged a white guy!" I said pointing at kage. He looked at me and rolled his eyes as Kai laughed. I grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the floor and started to dance. He stood there laughing at me. I turned around so that my back was facing him and swayed my hips just a little nothing to much. He grabbed my hips and pulled me against him I continued to dance against him as he swayed to the beat. After the song was over we walked back to the table. "Come on I have to pee." Kage said. "If I go in the bathroom with you people are gonna talk can I please just stay here." I begged. "Ok fine but don't go anywhere." He said before walking off. I sat down and got on my phone until a guy walked up to me. "Hey sexy come dance with me." He said. "Nah I'm good I'm here with kage." I said. He looked around, "Well I don't see him." He said touching my leg. "Well he'll be back so fuck off." I yelled. "Damn chill..wait you're that girl that used to follow Jason around like a lost puppy and the reason he's not coming back! You said no to him because your with a Ramirez." He said smiling evilly. "I'm no—" he cut me off "wait till Jason hears...matter a fact let me go get him." "He's here?" I yelled. He walked away probably going to get him. I paced back and forth praying kage gets back before them. I seen the guy with no other than my bestfriend behind him. "Adrianna..what are you doing here?" Jason said confused. I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off "I'll tell you why she's here because her boyfriend is and guess who it is calis favorite tattooed giant kage Ramirez!" He laughed. Jason looked at me eyes full of hurt "dri your with kage?" He said. "No I'm not." I defended. "Then why are you here with him?" He said crossing his arms.  I ran my hand down my face "it's complicated you wouldn't understand." "Like I didn't understand why you said no to me or how ever since I left you've been different or how when I went to surprise you today you weren't home yeah I won't understand..oh and happy five years." He said before walking off. That there caused me the biggest shock of my life, I forgot me and Jason's five year anniversary. I needed a drink I walked over to the drink table and grabbed to of the biggest cups and filled them to the top with vodka. I drunk the first half in two big gulps. After I finished the first one I downed the second one like water I grabbed another half cup to sip on and sat down. A couple minuets later kage finally came back. "I'm sorry that line was longer than I thought." He said. I didn't reply. "Hey are you ok?" He said taking the cup from me and smelling it. "Are you drinking how many cups have you had?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulder before taking the cup back. He instantly took it from me "You use a shot glass for this shit Adrianna this is to strong for a whole cup." I gave him a thumbs up before putting my head down. He picked me up and carried me out off the party. He put me in the car and buckled me up. "What happened Adrianna." He said. "Oh other than some dick telling jason that me and you date and that's why I said no to him or Jason being at the party or the fact that I forgot our five year anniversary." I tried to get out. "I'm sor— ,I cut him off "don't give that bullshit kage because I don't want to hear it." I said. "Adrianna I wouldn't." He warned. "Fuck you!" I yelled. He stopped the car. "Listen I don't give a fuck how pissed or how drunk you are you will not talk to me like that!" He said through clenched teeth. He started to drive and everything was quiet. "Your ruined my life kage and to think I thought I had feeling for you I rather (hiccup) kill myself then be with you. Y-you'd 'proberly' (hiccup) fuck me and break me off to the rest of you little gang who are you anyways w-why the hell is everyone so intimidated by you last name anyway. You ruined me kage you ruined my life and for that f-(hiccup) fuck a Ramirez" is the last thing I remember saying

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