Chapter 6

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Adrianna's pov
It has almost two weeks since I locked myself in here. I was getting low on food but I tried on two drink and eat about once a day. Kage came about a million times a day trying to get me to open the door saying If he really wanted to he could have me out in two minuets. I was not feeling good today I had the worst head ache ever. I wished I had the pain killers I seen in kages bathroom the first day I was here. Speak of the devil. "Adrianna this is getting ridiculous." I sat up "Kage like I told you yesterday and the day before that no!" I said with the little energy I had. "I could just kick the door in." He responded. "You do that." I said putting my hand on my head. "I got away from you once and I'll do it again." I sighed out. "You May think you got away from me but you never did." He said. "Kage what are you talking about yes I did." I said confused. "I knew where you were when we talked on the phone I was gonna come get you but I decided to give you a day." He said. I stood up. "See that's your problem I shouldn't be getting one day to live MY life!" I yelled. I started to fill light headed. My hearing and my vision were going in or out. I heard Kage calling my name faintly. My legs started to give out I tried to grab what I thought was a table I ended up knocking over what i think was a lamp I heard glass break before everything went black.

Kages pov
I was calling her name and banging on the door but there was no answer. I heard something break and something hard hit the floor. "ADRIANNA!" No answer. I started to kick the door with all I could after two kicks I got it open to see her on the floor I ran to her body and held her in my arms. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and called the ambulance. I sat there with her in my arms waiting for the paramedics. She looked so pale, like a whole different person. Part of me was fucking pissed at her for doing this to herself while others were mad at me because I drove her to it. The paramedics came and took her out on a stretcher. I got in my car and drove close behind them not even taking time to lock my door. We got to the hospital and they wouldn't let me come back with her. I ran my fingers through my hair annoyed and scared. "Fuck!" I yelled punching the wall. Which I'd probably have to pay for later. I was so nervous if she died because of my I don't know what I'd do. I sat there waiting for someone to give me something about her health. I heard doctors screaming for assistance and I just hoped it wasn't coming from her room. I looked down at my knuckles that were all bruised from punching the wall. I didn't care I just wanted to know she was ok I just wanted to know that she wasn't gone. I was confused on why I cared this much I couldn't understand why I couldn't leave her alone she obviously didn't want to be around me. I hadn't done this with anyone else so why is it like this with here wad was she doing too me. "Are you here with Adrianna Phillips?" I stood up. "Yes." "She has just got out of ICU she's really sedated so she'll be sleep for a while she was very dehydrated to the point where she could have died if you wouldn't have called when you did, may I ask who you are to her." I sat there and stared at her for a while Adrianna could have died because of me I could have been the reason a girl as beautiful as her wasn't here anymore. That could I have been me I swore on that day that I would took care of here day in and day out. "Sir?" The lady asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Her boyfriend, I'm her boyfriend."

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