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George and Ringo sat on the bus on their way to Paul's flat for John's birthday. Ringo was holding the cake because he didn't trust George with it. Not even a little bit.

George was nervously twiddling his thumbs. The two lads were already ten minutes late because they were too busy arguing with which cake they should get. Paul would of course get mad at them. And George didn't want Ringo's first impression of Paul to be him yelling in their faces.

Ringo was also nervous. Ringo told himself that he didn't care what Rory was thinking or what he was going to do but Rory was always there in the back of his mind.

The bus soon pulled up at their stop and George and Ringo got up and walked toward the door. "Have a nice night Mr.Jones!" Ringo told the bus driver as he got off. "Good night Harrison and Starkey!" The bus driver called out to them as they left.

"Geo I'm not going to lie I am pretty nervous to meet your friends." Ringo told George. "Don't be Ritchie. John and Paul are the kind of people who make your life better just by being in it."

George knocked on the door to Paul's apartment. Soon enough a grinning Paul McCartney opened the door.
"Hello nice of you to finally make it!"
Paul looked at a nervous Ringo and put out his hand "Hello there. You must be Ringo! I'm Paul McCartney. Georgie here has told me and John all about you."

Ringo shook his hand with his free hand because his other hand was holding the cake. "H-Hi" Ringo managed to say.
"Oh you don't have to be nervous. Tonight the four of us are going to have a great time." Paul warmly smiled and led them inside.

Inside the living room sat a man looking very bored. He looked up once he heard George and Ringo walk in.
"Oh if it isn't the two lads who are late to my own birthday party." John said looking mad. Ringo's breath hitched.
"I'm just joking!" John laughed "Oh my God you should have seen your faces! I'm not mad that you're late. Although I am a little mad that you left me with that daft dork" John said pointing at Paul.

"Hey I'm great company!" Paul said offended.
"Keep telling yourself that Macca" John said "Anyway enough about you I want to meet George's new friend."

John walked over to where George and Ringo were standing and put out his hand for Ringo to shake. "Hello nice to meet you Ringo. I'm John. Oh what do you have there?" John said looking at the gorgeous cake.

"Happy Birthday John!" George smiled  and hugged John.
"Wait it's my birthday today?" John sarcastically said.

George and Paul glared at the lad but Ringo laughed. " Ringo thinks I'm funny." John muttered.

Paul went into the kichen and came back with an embarrassing  birthday hat. " Because you made that horrible joke you have to wear this for the rest of the night. Oh I forgot to mention we're going out."

"What?! You are not putting that thing on me McCartney!" John said backing away.
"You have to. If you don't put it on, no cake or presents for you!" George said smirking.

"Ringo thought I was funny didn't you Ringo?" John asked looking at Ringo hopefully.
"I was only laughing because I didn't want you to feel bad." Ringo said earning a laugh from Paul and George.
Ringo thought that John's joke was pretty funny but he wanted to see John in that humiliating birthday hat.

"Alright fine but only because I'm really hungry for that cake." John said defeated.

Paul lit the candles and started to happily sing "Happy Birthday" with George and Ringo joining in shortly after.
John blew out the candles with a big grin on his face. Paul, George, and Ringo also had big grins on their faces. Not just because it was John's birthday but they also smiled because of John's really embarrassing hat.

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