chapter 5: pleasures, feelings, or morals

Start from the beginning

"Trust me. I do." A sigh came from both of us. She was my best friend aside from yongsun who was also gay and understand me from a different point of view.

"What are you going to do? How are you going to deal with it byul? You don't usually date women with baggage..." She was right. In my previous relationships, I did not date women who were still in the closet or people who are just in their experiencing phase.

"I don't know. You know she's my weak spot..." I said quietly, continue to drink my coffee. "What do you suggest me to do? You've been around more than me." Laughing at my own statement, I can recall all the people that heeyeon had. She was known as the girl that every hoobae liked. It wasn't false, she is a great person. So, she took the chance and did some damage with the younger crowd. Everyone from oh my girls to of course loona.

She thought about it for a second as if she was recalling a similar situation. "Hmm... I really don't know. But I know if you drag this on, you'll get hurt. You have actual feelings for yongsun. I know if she come to you right now and said she wants you, you would drop everything and say yes." Wouldn't that be nice? Yongsun telling me that I'm the one she wants. "But, the likelihood of that happening is almost zero. She's going to have the best of both worlds, eric and you. Also, I'm disappointed that yongsun did this. She for sure knows how you feel. I mean, you never told her but how you act with her? So I suggest you to break it off as soon as possible. Avoid her for a little bit and find someone new to mend your need and heart. You are moonbyul for god sakes, many girls through their panties at you."

That is the best suggestion anyone could give. That's also something I would tell anyone who is stuck in my situation. Will I take it? Most likely not. It's easy said than done. "I got to go to the bathroom." I tried to avoid answering her for now and head downstairs towards the women's washroom. On the way there, you couldn't believe who I ran into.


I turned my head around to look for the origin of that crisp and beautiful voice. "Ah, seulgi. What you doing here?"

"I'm just picking up an order for my members. I lost the rock paper scissor." She flashed her famous smile at me. God she is adorable. "What about you?"

"I'm actually here with hani, she's upstairs and I was going to go to the bathroom. It was nice running into you though. Let's meet up sometimes?"

She nodded, "I just changed my phone number. Do you have your phone? I'll add my new one to it."

I handed her my phone as I watched her fondle with it. I watched her as I thought about the first few times that I've met her. She was this shy girl who had all the respect to give. We grew closer because she was this girl I wanted to protect. Then we were on this idol drama show together, it just solidified our friendship. Since she is from one of the big three company and the only girl group that actually come out with songs, it's been hard for us to reconnect. Would you say I had a little crush on her? Perhaps, but I would never admit it to anyone else who asked.

"Here you go. Text me. Bye." She waved before heading out of the door. I looked in my phone, she had not only changed her phone number but her name as well – seulgi <3.

I didn't think much of it before doing my business then heading back to my friend. "Guess who I just ran into? Seulgi. She is actually the cutest"

"Really? There you go. A cute girl who you can date." Heeyeon said right away.

"What? She's not even gay(?)" I said it as a statement first before questioning her, "is she?"

Heeyeon started doing some investigation work on her phone before speaking, "I think she is. Well at least bi. I think something went on between her and Irene? I'm not too sure but go for it! At least she's single."

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