chapter 10: someone clean up the grease please

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- yongsun's pov -

My body was sore after our intense 'workout', I assume byul was to since she felt asleep in my arms. We took a nap in byul's bed until I was woken up by the smell of something amazing. I blinked and rubbed my sleepy eyes only to find byul not in bed with me. I walked to her closet and grabbed one of her extra baggy shirts and followed the scent.

Byul was in her matching calvin klein bra and underwear with a black silk robe hanging off of her shoulder. Damn, she is just a ten course meal herself. I strolled over to wrap my arms around her waist and let my chin land on her shoulder. "What are you doing, darling?" I just can't keep my hands off of her nor my lips, I attacked her neck up to her cheek.

"Cooking. It's late already. I hope you are hungry." She said as she plated the pesto pasta, handing one to me. "Let's eat." We made our way towards her small and intimate dining table. As we took a seat right beside eat other, my leg extended over hers. Yongsun, why are you so whipped? It's not like I've never had a relationship before, I had many but just not with a girl, not with moon byulyi. Her palm caressed my calf as I forked up some pasta. My eyes widen, showing her a positive reaction. "I didn't know you cooked this well byulie."

Moonbyul laughed and then squeezed my thigh gently, "only for you." She is really getting greasier by the second, but I love it. I remember I used to reject all her touchiness and cheesiness. When she stopped giving me all her affection, I craved it even more. I never knew how much her little touches affected me. The younger girl started to twisted pasta on her fork before feeding it to me. "What are you doing? My pasta is the same as yours." I laughed, but still ate the pasta. "Yeah, but I just want to feed you." She leaned to sneak a kiss against my lips, I couldn't complain. I started to lick my lower lip before wiping my lips with a napkin, getting rid of the oil lingered on my lips.

"Tell me more about this trip tomorrow. What should I pack huh?" My finger caressed along her arm gently. Suddenly, we stopped eating and focus on each other.

"Hmm.." Moonbyul hummed before answering to me, "comfortable clothes, bathing suits, your pretty self." Her lips started to nibble along my neck, making me hard to think and reply to her words.

"Ah. Cheesy as always."

"Only to you. Because I know if I did it to anyone else, you'd be mad. Wouldn't you?"

"You know me well. You better not do that then." I grabbed onto her face, attacking her lips before biting down on her lower lip, tugged away as the younger girl winched. "You can't take a little pain, huh byulie?" I teased her.

She bit down on her lower lip before shaking her head, "I can, you just took me by surprise. I'm going to pack; then do you want me to drive you back home so you can pack as well?" Aww, she's always so caring.

"Yeah, sounds good." I followed her back to her bedroom and flopped on her bed, watching her grab a luggage and starts to pick outfits for our week get away. My eyes just watched her as her pearly white skin exposed every moment she made. My tongue slowly covers my lower lip with my saliva, salivating at the sight of byul. "Yongsun. Look at this, I'm totally going to bring this." She pulled this black hat out printed 'crushing on you'. "Do you still have yours?"

"I'll have to find it." I watched her face showed a pout, god she is beyond cute. "I'm just kidding, I have it. You are so easy to tease now, are you turning to me?"

"No, I'm just rubbing off on you and you are rubbing off on me." She finished zipping her luggage, lounging on top of me. "You are cute. You know that? And you are all mine now." I could never get tired of her kisses. After her numerous pecks, I once again held onto her cheeks before pulling her down for a kiss. My mouth parts and welcome byul's tongue, let her take control like how she wanted to. My tongue glide against hers, let our saliva mix within my mouth. My hands reach down to grasp onto her arse cheeks, squeezing them harshly. Even if I wanted to continue, I can't. "We can't, I still need to head home and pack. Come on, let's go." I stood up and grabbed my underwear then threw some clothes at byul. "Put some clothes and let's go. I don't want people to see all this."

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