Norman VI: Learning to Fall

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Author's note!

Okay, guys, so I got bored with putting just roman numerals by Norman's name, so I even added a name, 'Learning to Fall,' which is actually a song by Boys Like Girls... I discovered it two minutes ago. x.x But I thought I'd use it because of what is going to happen in this chapter!!

And Ridley's character is to the left!! Just for those who were wondering what she looked like, hehe.


To the story~

Ridley called me a couple of times yesterday, and my dumbass didn't call back. Mother texted her that we couldn't be together, and I really don't wanna go against her wishes again after she discovered Ridley and I, no matter how much I care about her. Ridley will get over me eventually.

But the question is, will I get over her?

I probably should call her back, but... If Norma- I mean, Mother, walks in my room when I'm on the phone... She'd kill me. I care about Ridley, I really do, but...

I can't let her think we can be together.

I looked out my window for a moment, kind of hoping Dylan would randomly show up; knowing he wouldn't.

I looked away from the window, slumping down next to it on the floor, unlocking my iPhone, thinking about texting Ridley. Nothing serious, just a simple, 'Are you okay?'

But I'm not that brave.

I stared down at my shoes, beaten and tattered. "Maybe if I just got some fresh air..."

I stood up, walking out of my room. And naturally, mother was right in my face when I opened the door. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going out," I said through clenched teeth. "Like most seventeen year old boys, I'd like to have a life."

Her beady little eyes twitched as she spoke. "Norman Bates, you know you aren't like most seventeen year old boys."

"Really? Then what am I, mother?" I scoffed.

"You're a special boy." She sounded hesitant when she spoke this time.

"Well guess what, Mother. This 'special boy' would like to grow up. And as long as you're stuck up my ass, I don't think that's possible. Therefore, I am going out, and you're not going to wait up for me. You'll go to bed at the normal time you always do, get up, and start your day. Give it a rest." I rolled my eyes, pushing past her and heading downstairs.

I know she's probably butt hurt, like she usually is, but it's because of her that I lost my chance at true love- again.

I started down the street in the direction that would eventually lead to Dylan's. Maybe he could help me out.

Halfway there, I swear I saw Ridley, crying her eyes out, face in her hands. I walked towards her and saw bleeding wrists. "Ridley.. Love..." When I went to kiss her forehead...

She was gone.

Naturally, a fucking hallucination. Now, of all times.

I know I'm not like most guys, and mother's said it a million times. But I'm not going to show her that she's right and go back home.

At least I'm getting close to Dylan's....


After another ten minutes of walking or so, I got to Dylan's. The lights were on, and someone was there, I could tell by the feminine giggling coming from inside that mixed with his.

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