You're A Sold-Out BITCH!

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Couple days later, Brie still at the hospital, recovering a coma. She tried to kill herself because she thought I'm had sex with her best friend Summer but Summer came to my locker room. She kissed me then had sex with me.

But tonight at the Payback PPV, my group The Shield will face Evolution. I need to focus but I'm still thinking about Brie.


Payback PPV is tonight! But I really want to have a Divas Championship opportunity until AJ Lee is the #1 contender to the Divas Champion. I tried so hard by all the matches that I competed but no chance to becoming Divas Champion. I'm not giving up but I always stay FEARLESS.


I'm now doing my warm ups exercise for my match. I slipped my black Shield gear with black pants and black leather gloves. The guys and I ready to kick ass and start a justice to the Shield.



At the Payback PPV, The Shield defeated Evolution. And that will be disbanded because one member of Evolution Batista will quit. Seth will be the one who will replace him in The Authority. And also Nikki didn't have her Divas Title match because Stephanie McMahon changed it to a Divas battle royal which Paige had won.


[Monday Night Raw]

Roman had a match against Randy. Dean and Seth will accompanied him. And this is it. Seth will be turning on them and beat them that ring. This is the end of The Shield.


I didn't get my one on one title match against AJ Lee, instead The Authority changed it to a divas battle royal match. But I was thrown out the ring. I was eliminated. I think this is what I get if I'll be hanging around Seth more. Even though it's not official, but Seth is now a member of The Authority.

My best girl friend Paige won the match. She is now the Divas Champion. AJ have her vacation so no rematch will be made, instead finding another contender on the Divas Championship Title.

I am watching Raw on the TV room with the other divas. Batista quits WWE. Next is a match between Randy and Roman. I watched them as their usual entrance and Dean got to talk first. From the three of them, Dean and Seth were good talkers. They talked about how they defeated Evolution last night at Payback. Then Evolution went out from backstage, but only Randy Orton and Triple H.


Triple H: Last night was plan A. Now it's plan B... There's always a plan B.

He smirked looking at his sledgehammer. Then all suddenly Seth hit Roman with a chair on his back. He was down on his knees. My jaw dropped as well as the others. Dean was shocked. Seth looked at him with full of anger in his eyes & face then he also hit Dean with that chair repeated and curb stomped him.

"Oh My Gosh! Nikki what happened to your boyfriend?" Why would he do that?" The girls gasped.

Seth got out the ring and he handed the chair to Randy. He got up the ring and hit Roman. He removed Roman's vest and RKOed him. Triple H and Seth went up to the ring with Randy. People yelling "You Sold Out" chants repeatedly to Seth. Dean and Roman laid on the mat lifeless.

I rushed to the Authority's office to find Seth.
I knocked at the door and Randy opened it.

Randy: Nikki, what are you doing here?

Me: I want to talk to Seth." He let me in and the people in the office are all eyes on me.

Stephanie: Ms. Bella, what a pleasant surprise! Did you come here to celebrate with us?" she smirked. Oh you know how evil her smirk is.

Me: I don't want to talk to you! Where is Seth?" I asked raising my voice.

I was so pissed. Also I hate her so much because of what she did changing my match into a battle royal. Seth went to me and grab my arm.

Seth: Sorry Stephanie. I'll be right back.

We went out the office and he brought me to an empty locker room.

Seth: Nik-" before he could say another word, I cut him off.

Me: What did they do to you? You haven't tried to see me these past few minutes ago and now... You're one of them?!

Seth: I tried to but you weren't answering my calls. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you. I was just busy.

Me: Busy?! Seth, I'm worried about my sister. She recovering from a coma. You BUSY for being adapted by the Authority?

Seth: Nikki, this is my job. This is the start of getting on top of my dreams... Babe, I just need you to support me." I felt his cold hands on my shoulders.

I closed my eyes and felt tears stream down my face. He held my chin and crashed his lips onto mine. But he's the new member of the Authority. And we can't be together because of that. I guess this will be our last kiss. I don't want our relationship to be like this. I pulled away from the kiss and we looked at each other.

Me: I'm sorry, Seth! I can't! I will not give you my support! You being with them. I just can't take it! I'm done! We're done!

Seth: No Nicole. You can't do this as he hugged me tightly not letting me go.

Me: I just did! Let me go, Seth!

Seth: Nicole! I love you! Please don't do this. He begged as he cried.

Me: Let me go! You're a Sold Out BITCH!!! I pulled away from him and walked out the room.

Tears continue to fall from Nikki's eyes. She just broke up with the love of her life. This is very hard for both of Nikki and Brie but life must go on. Nikki know Seth can be the world heavyweight champion someday. She believe in him. Roman hopes Brie wokes up from her coma and to be back with him. They love them so much... what happens, it happens.

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