Chapter 2: This There Such a Place?

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Chapter 2: This There Such a Place?

Stephen and Astra were rushed into the emergency room, every sound was distorted as Stephen flutters his eye open, he looks and saw that the nurses were hurrying and then he looks down at his hands and saw that they were bandaged up. "Ash... where's Ash...?" he whimpers. He then saw that Astra was being rolled past him with Christine next to her. The doctors and nurses were in chaos as there was no pulse.

Stephen lost consciousness as he saw the bright light, Astra was rushed into the E.R as they were trying to get her pulse again. They were able to remove the pipe that impaled her, but there was still no pulse. But she was just flat-line, Christine climbs on top of her and started the CPR. Everyone kept trying to save her, but she was still flat-lined. Christine was pulled off her and held back as the doctors kept trying, but still no pulse. They were going to call the time of death, Christine ran to her side and held her hand, begging her to come back, begging her not to leave her and Stephen behind.

But Astra's finger started to twitch and the monitor picks up a pulse, making them all look over at her and went back to work as her heart was beating. But deep in her mind, she heads a voice, whispering to her. "The voices you are hearing, the suddenly relaxes you have, I will seal them away and they will return when you die, but if this spell is broken before you reach old age then come to us, come to the Karmar-Taj. Come find us and I will teach you how to control this voices and master your body." the voices whisper to her. She then flutters her eyes open and found herself in the E.R with the Doctors looking over at her. "Oh my god, she's alive!" "How is she still alive?" "Ash, Ash, can you hear me?" the voices were distorted and far and she flutters her eyes closed, falling into unconsciousness.


Stephen inhales and lets out a shaky breath as he flutters his eye open, Christine looks down at him and places her hand down on his arm, "Hey." she whispers at him and he slowly turns his head to her. "It's OK. It's going to be Ok," she assures him, he then slowly looks back at his hands and gasp in horror at the needles and skin sewed back together. "What did they do?" he questions them. Christine gulps, "They rushed you and Ash into the Chopper. But it took a little while to find you. Golden hours for nerve damage when by while you both were in the car." she informs him, "What did they do?" Stephen asks her again and she smacks her lips, "11 stainless steel pins in the bones. Multiple torn ligament, severe nerve damage to both hands." she answers him.

He just gasps as a tear slides out of the corner of his eye. "You were on the table for 11 hours." she informs him, "Looks at these fixators." he said in a broken tone and then he thinks back to the car and looks at her, "What happened to Ash?" he asks her, Christine inhales and then licks her lips. "She was ran right through, by the metal pole, total system shut down. They had to cut the pipe that impaled her mid-center to pull it out. Trying not to cause any more damage to the body. We rushed her in as fast as we could, but we couldn't get a pulse." she informs him, he gasps and looks away from her. "Where's the body?" he asks her again, "Stephen, there isn't a body because... she's alive." she informs him and he looks at her in shock, "But we had to sedate her because of the screaming, she had the looking of someone who was tormented, but no one could have done better," she informs him and he turns back to her. "I could have done better."


Astra lies in her room, peaceful in her sleep, she then flutters her eyes open and found herself in a hospital room. She tries to sit up, but a pain shot up her mid-center, making her gasp and her press her hand immediately to her mid-center. But then the voices came back, her eyes shot around the room as they were whispering to her. Se lays back on the bed and covers her ears and tries to block them out, but they still kept coming, she then rolls on her side, curling up into a ball.

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