Chapter 4: Letting Go Is Soul Healing

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The Next day came and Astra walks down the hall and went to retrieve Stephen, she then stops in front of his door and he turns and looks at her and she could see that he was wearing novice robes. Then meets his eyes "The Ancient One will see you." she tells him, then turns and steps out of the room. Stephen sighs, knowing that she was giving him the cold shoulder.

They both walk down the hall, Stephen kept looking at Astra, he tries to say something, but only empty hot air came out and then he sighs as he hand drops to the side as he gave up, he wanted to talk to her, but he knew that she wasn't going to listen to him. Astra then leads him to the room, she steps into the room as he follows after her as he steps in and looks around. Astra clears her throat, Stephen looks back at her as she motions for him to a seat.

He did so and sat down, The Ancient One steps into the room and sat down. Stephen flicks his eyes to Astra as she strides out of the room, flicking her long braid off her shoulder. He then turns his attention back onto the Ancient One and looks at Stephen, leaning forward. "The Lagrange of the Mystic Arts is as old as civilization. The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language spells. But if that word offends your modern sensibilities you can call it a program. The source code that shapes reality." she informs him.

Then began casting a spell, "We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to cast spells to conjure shields and weapons to make magic." she said and projects the shimmering spell in front of Stephen and it withers to nothing. He was in awe of the spell in front of him but was drawn back to his problem. "But even if my fingers could do that, my hands would just be waving in the air. How do I get from here to there?" he asks her. "How did you get to reattach severed nerves and put a human spine back together bone by bone?" she asks him back. "Study and practice, years of it," he answers her. She lopsided a grin and looks back at him.


Stephen walks through the courtyard as fellow acolytes were training on their stance, and others went about their day, studying their techniques. He spotted Astra training with a few of the sorcerers, but mostly on defense techniques. He wanted to talk to her, but it wasn't the right time yet, so he left her alone.

He heads towards the library where the sorcerer, Wong was at the front desk "Hey," he calls out, getting his attention. "Mr. Strange," Wong states as he places the book down on the counter. "Uh, Stephen, please. And you are?" he states. "Wong." the sorcerer answers him. "Wong. Just Wong? Like Adele?" he asks him.

Wong glares at Stephen "Or Aristotle. Drake. Bono. Eminem." he said, getting quieter as he went. Wong just reaches over and took the stack of books from him. "The book of the invisible Sun. Astronomia Nova. Codex Imperium. Key of Soloman." he said, feeling almost impressed then looks back to Stephen. "You finished all of these?" he asks. "Yep," he answers him.

Wong steps away from the books, "Come with me." he tells him, "All right." Stephen answers and follows him. Wong leads him towards a section of the library. "This section is for masters only but at my discretion, others may use it." he informs Stephen and steps over towards the shelve "You should start with Maxim's Power," he informs him as Stephen looks at the rows of books. "How's you Sanskrit?" he asks him. "I'm fluent in google translate," he informs him.

Wong pulls another book from a different shelf, "Vedic, classical Sanskirt." he informs him, handing Stephen the book. Stephen grunts as he took the book, but then a section in the back "What are those?" he calls out. "The Ancient One's private collection," Wong informs him and Stephen looks back at him. "So, they're forbidden?" he asks him. "Nothing is forbidden here, just that collection holds dark incantations and dangerous spell that should never be cast," Astra calls out.

The two looked towards the door as they saw Astra leaning against the doorframe of the section "Why else would the Ancient One have such a private collection?" he states and strides into the room, Sully trots after her as she stood in front of Wong. "Done," she states, handing him the book.

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