Chapter 10: End of The Master

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Stepping back through the halls, Astra had enough strength to walk on her own as Stephen steps over towards the zealot, he kneels down and immediately checks his pulse.

Nothing. He was dead and a sense of guilt floods through Stephen as he stood up and looks over at Astra. "I'm sorry you had to do that, Stephen," she tells him. He sighs and nods at her. "Me too," he states, then looks away as he grips the cloak and swung it onto his shoulders.

Astra exhales as she steps over to the man, kneels, and gently closes his eyes, she then stood up, gripping the black cloak, and flung it onto her shoulder, and strides after Stephen. They headed up the stairs and saw that Kaecilius was gone, "Damn, he escaped." Astra states as she jogs up the steps.

Then they heard a growl and looked over, Sully in his Zheng form steps towards them, looking Astra dead in her eyes. "Sully?" she asks, he purrs and nuzzles his head against her. She exhales with relief hugging his big head. "Good to see you too, boy," she states and pulls back, taking him in. "Might be a little too big for the apartment, but we can make it work," she states.

Sully purrs and nuzzles against her. Stephen just smiles and pets Sully's head. "Strange!" Mordo calls out, alerting the two as Sully just snarls. Mordo steps over and looks at them both. "You're okay," he states. Stephen just sighs, "A relative term. But yeah, we're okay." Stephen informs him. The Mordo notices the cloaks on their shoulders and Sully in his true form. "The Cloaks of Levitation and Invisibility," he states.

Stephen looks down at his cloak. "They came to you both. And a Zheng familiar," he states, sully snarls at him as Mordo looks at Astra. "He chose you as his master," he states as she places her hand on Sully's side. "No minor feat." The Ancient One states. The two immediately went stiff as she steps into the room. "It's a fickle thing," she states, Astra was ready to go off on her, but Stephen grips her arm, stopping her, and looks back at the Iron restraints. "He's escaped," Stephen informs her. "Kaecilius?" The Ancient One, "Yeah." Stephen answers and glares right at her, "He controlled space and matter at will." he informs her.

Astra can feel the anger radiating off Stephen as Sully did as well, growling at the Ancient One. "He folds matter outside the Mirror Dimension in the real world?" she asks aloud. "Yeah," he answers. "How many more?" she asks again. "Two more. One is stranded in the desert. The other is dead, just downstairs." Astra informs her. "Master Drumm is in the foyer," Stephen informs her as he strides past the two, Sully and Astra right behind him.

Mordo exhales, "He's been taken back to Kamar-Taj." he informs them, "Good. Then he can get intensive care." Astra states. "The London Sanctum has fallen. Only New York and Hong Kong remain now to shield us from the Dark Dimension." The Ancient One informs them as the two came to a stop "You and Sunflare defended the New York Sanctum from attack. With its master gone, it needs another. Master Strange and Master Sunflare." she said to them.

And this sets Astra off. "Master?" she questions and looks back at her, as Mordo just at the Ancient One in shock. "No," Stephen states and looks at her. "It is Doctor Strange and Sunflare. Not Master Strange and Master Sunflare. Not Mister Strange and Ms. Sunflare. Doctor Strange and Doctor Sunflare." Stephen snaps at him.

The Ancient One tilts her head a little, "And when we became doctors, we swore an oath to not harm. And I have just killed a man. I'm not doing that again." Stephen snaps at her. "We became doctors to save lives, help the wounded. Not rip them apart like shredding paper!" Astra snaps as well. "You became a doctor to save one life above all others. Your own. And you became a doctor to prove that a woman is just as capable as any man to being a doctor." she informs them both.

Astra rolls her head, looking away from her, "Still seeing through us, are you?" Stephen questions her. "I've seen what I have always seen, your over-inflated ego. And your constant fear of abandonment," she states, making Astra stiffen. "You both want to go back to the delusion that you can control anything, even death which no one can control. Not even the great Doctor Stephen Strange," she said to him then turns her gaze to Astra. "And you grow ever so terrified at one day, everyone you ever loved will turn their backs on you, leaving you when you most need them, but no one control such things, not even the great Doctor Astra Sunflare," she tells her.

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