Chapter 9: The Ripple

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Astra screams at the top of her lungs as the green mist burst from her body, flooding the room, then everything began to slow into a still motion. Astra's astral form was forced right out of her body, she glowed a fierce green with blue streaming through her veins. Confused and terrified, she looks back as everything was rewinding.

As if... time was reversing the damage that was done, the zealot walks back down the steps, Stephen turns back around to Kaecilius as the conversation was reversed, Astra was just horrified at what was happening but then her shock was cut short as she forced back into her body and she jerks from the sudden reentry into her mortal body. "... Because what the Ancient One hordes, Dormammu gives freely. Life everlasting," Kaecilius confesses to them.

Astra looks back at Kaecilius and shook her head in disbelief, "Enough with the zealot bullshit!" she snaps and marches next to Stephen. "You honestly think that Dormammu cares about the One. Eternal Life and ending death. He is death, eternal torment, you're just his lackey to give him what he wants. The magic that will feed him and his lust for more. He is no different from the Ancient One, empty promises." she snaps.

He just looks at her confused, as Stephen was confused too. "But unlike you, I will not be blinded by empty promises. And I will never become like you." she snaps then immediately steps behind Stephen, protecting him as the zealot threw his blade at her and she took the blade right into the chest.

She stood there, stiffen in pain as she can feel the blade just an inch from her heart, Stephen turns and looks at her in horror, "ASTRA!!" he calls out as the zealot marches up the steps. She pants and out of pure instinct she threw her arm up, sending a green orb right at him.

She catches him, the blue mist turns green making him rise, then she shot her hand to the side and he went flying to the side. Stephen looks at the zealot his mouth a jarred, Astra pants as blood was pouring from her wound. She steps a few meters forward then collapses, tumbling down the steps.

Stephen immediately looks down at her, "Astra!" he calls out and hurries down the steps. The zealot immediately stood up and glares back.

Stumbling through the hall, blood drips onto the ground as Stephen helps her walk, "How did you do that?" he asks her, she pants, clinging to Stephen. She reaches into her pocket and held out her sling ring, "Here, portal us out of here." she groans, her vision began to blur. "Hang on," he tells her.

But her body suddenly began heavy and she collapses onto the ground, the sling ring falls from her hand and scatters a few feet in front of them, and for some reason, the mansion was shaking as some things were fading from existence. "Astra!" he said again, immediately at her side.

The zealot walks into the hall, glaring down at them, summoning the blade, "She who mothers time, must die to bring forth a new era." he chants, Stephen shields her with his body as the blade was raised, but both cloaks jumps off Stephen and Astra, the black cloak wraps around the arm, jerking it to the side as the red cloak wraps around the zealots head and they both began to jerks and throw him around, forcing him onto the ground.

The sling ring fell from his hand and scatters next to Stephen. He looks down at the ring and immediately slings it onto his fingers. He then began to open a portal, "Stay with me Astra. Stay with me." he said, gathering her into his arms and steps through the portal into the supply closet.

Astra coughs, making him look down at her open wound, He forces the door open and steps out into the medical hall of the hospital. "Stephen..." she calls out again, more than began to fade from existence. He gets his grip better on her and marches through the hall. "Sir, can I help you?" a nurse asks him, he looks at her with panic in his eyes. "Doctor Palmer, where is she?" he immediately asks her.

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