But I'm Okay

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        Break ups are always like this.
       It gets better with time.
       I'm Ok, I'm Ok, I'm OK.

        I randomly heard about you.
       Guess you're doing well.
      I'm Ok, I'm Ok, I'm Ok now, yeah.

Depression. Heart break. Anxiety. Tears.
This was everything a certain brunett gave to you, after those words. Those words that made your previous smile fade in an instant. Your heart has never hurt like that before until that moment. You dropped the white iced cake that you were holding at the moment, that his brother and you made together for him, congratulating him for becoming paladin. The cake spashed and crumbled on the floor just like your heart. Were you hearing correctly? 
"Wh...what?" Your heart ached harder when he repeated those words.
"I said, I'm breaking up with you. You're only holding me back. I don't want to be with you."
The way his face and voice held no emotion made you question him, yet when you tried to speak, your voice could not find a way out of your throat. You could only stare wide eyed, tears pooling into your [eye color] orbs. You went numb, refusing to listen to anything anymore. As Rin, his brother and your best friend, argued with his younger brother,  you slowly looked down at the ruined cake. The white icing smeared on the floor, yellow cake and strawberries scattered around. You could make out the blue words 'Congratulations, Yukio!' on the top. When you found out he became paladin, you just had to make something for him, with Rin's help. However, now...

        At first, when I thought about me without you. 
       Everyone called me crazy.
       Now I don't cry at thoughts of you, I don't wake up from crying.
       I think I'm used to it now, I'm Ok
     We're laughing in the photos
      As if we're teasing and joking
     I think I knew why so many people were jealous;  we were so pretty.

It's been about three months since that day. The depression and tears have gone away and the heartbreak has died down a bit. It was still terrible having to be in class knowing Yukio was your teacher. You didn't bother attempting to switch classes, despite Rin almost being sacrificed and Yukio's paladin position taken away, since you still had your friends to help you get through it, especially Rin. 
Here you were now, sitting in class next to Rin, who was dozing off. You snickered and took his pencil on the table, sneakily poking his nose with the eraser side. He wrinkled his nose and stired a bit. You grinned, something you hadn't done for a good while and stuck the eraser up his nose. He shot up with a shout and snatched the pencil out of his nose. You choked on your laughter, attempting to muffle it with your arms. Rin, however, knew you were the culprit and tried to touch your face with the pencil. "C'mere, you-!" "Ewww, Rin nooo!", you laughed, grabbing his wrists so he couldn't touch you. He laughed until a sound if someone clearing their throat cut you both off. A shawdow loomed over you both as a certain ex glared down with a tick mark on his forehead. "After class. Both of you." God damnit, you don't even want to even be in the same room as him as it was, but with just you, him, and Rin? Shit.

        Your eyes when they looked at me,
       They still won't leave me
        Don't come, go away, don't torture me
       When I saw the strange scene of you turning away
       It was so hard I wanted to die.

      Now I don't cry at thoughts of you, I don't wake up from crying. 
      I  think I'm used to it, I'm Ok.
     We're laughing in the photos
     As if we're teasing and joking
     I think I knew why so many people were jealous; we were so pretty.

After class, you stood with Rin at your desk as everyone else was exiting the room. You clung onto the strap of your messanger bag, asking yourself what was going to happen with Yukio and you. Would be directly speak to you? After those hurtful words? Would he be vague and speak to you both at once? What was it?
Rin noticed your uneasiness and, hesitantly, clutched your hand. "You okay? Don't be nervous. I mean, I know its awkward, but you'll be okay." he spoke so only you two would hear. You looked into his blue eyes and smiled. "Thanks, Rin." He blushed slightly and smiled. Soon, Yukio beckoned you both over to his desk, seating himself. As you did, the glasses wearer eyed specifically you, causing you to look down, averting eye contact with him. "Rin," he spoke "I'd like to speak with [Name] alone." Fucking hell. "Huh?!, " Rin choked out. "Why?!" "Because I said so. You can go outside." Rin hesitated as he looked at you. You smiled slightly, telling him not to worry about it. He reluctantly left the room, leaving you and Yukio, alone. "Well...," he spoke out after a long period of silence. "How have you been?"

       There were so many days that I loved you. 
       Only after we broke up, I remember the good times.
        I won't cry at thoughts of you again.
       I don't feel anything even when I see you now. 
        I think I'm really Ok now.

"I'm..." you paused. "I'm okay. I'm okay now." You worked up the courage to look into his turquoise eyes. "You know something? I really didn't get why you said all those things to me that day. Why you almost sacrificed Rin, why you hurt me he way you did. But... I'm okay."
Yukio looked up at your with a guilty expression. "I know. And... I apologize. I really do." You ciuld only nod, too welled up in your own emotions. Love, hate, confusion, hurt. Now that you were speaking to him, the emotions began to die down again. Yukio continued. "Please, forgive me." "I do. That's why I think I'm able to move on now." The male's eyes widened slightly. "Wait..." "Thank you for the memories, Yukio." Before he could speak again, you walked out the room, leaving Yukio with teared eyes.
You met with Rin, who waited for you outside. He looked at you for any signs of emotions.  "Hey. Ah, are you okay?" You looked at him and smiled brightly for the first time in a while. "Yeah. Let's go." You hooked arms with the bluenett and walked off, talking of buying food and cooking together. 

       You became someone who's gone
       You became a love that has passed
       As much as all those people were jealous of us
       We were so pretty. 

Yukio Okumura X Reader OSWhere stories live. Discover now