First-Name Basis

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    "Okumura-san, you forgot these..." (name) happily handed the thirteen year old Yukio a bag with some darts. The young boy blushed and nodded behind his glasses.

    "A-ah, thank you, (last name)-san..." he said, not comfortable with the way he was referred to, as if he were someone important or intimidating. 

    "Okumura-san, don't act so formal around me: we are the same age and both attending Cram School. Maybe be a little bit more... Loose?" suggested (name), smiling over the counter.

    (Name) was, along with Yukio, one of the youngest exorcists in training. Her father worked in a shop that sold various weapons to fight against demons, like sacred bibles, holy water darts, long-lasting chalk for magic circles, and other things. Mr. (last name) was usually busy, so (name) was usually on duty if she was not in school.

    "Ah, a-alright, (name)-chan." he said, then almost slapped himself for his stupidity. What, already on first name basis? With the "chan" suffix? What was he thinking?

    "Oh, that is nice... B-but then I call you Yukio-kun." stated the girl, blushing. The boy on the other side of the counter became a deep shade of red, his eyes behind his glasses nervously flickering around.
    "Heh, yeah... Well, I have to go home now... Thanks, (last name)- I mean, (name)-chan." he said, scratching the back of his head and laughing.

    "Y-yeah, see you tomorrow, Yukio-kun!" chuckled (name) nervously, looking at the boy with glasses leave the shop. As soon as he was out, she sighed.

    "I got closer to him, didn't I?" She smiled faintly, resting her blushing face on the wooden counter. She smiled faintly, happy with the situation.


    "Rin! I swear, if you keep throwing paper airplanes at (name)-chan- I mean, (last name)-san, I will have to move your seat!" growled Yukio, the fifteen year old scolding his twin for throwing paper airplanes at (name)'s face.

    "Whaaaat, (name)-chan, Yukio? Since when are you too so close?" asked Rin, walking up to his brother. The class was currently empty, with the exeption of Yukio, Rin, and (name), who stayed behind to clean.

    "N-no, I didn't say that!" blushed Yukio, stepping back.

    (name) chuckled at the brothers' antics, blushing herself. It had been a while since Yukio had referred to her as (name)-chan, and it certainly felt refreshing. She herself hadn't really called him Yukio-kun in a while, either, but that was because he was her teacher and that would just be... Weird with students all around, but now...

    "Oi, Okumura-san, leave Yukio-kun alone!" hollered (name), happy with Rin's surprised expression. The older twin had been poking Yukio in the cheek as to annoy him, but now, he was frozen.

    "Well, Yukio, I'll give you this: you are gonna get laaaaiiiiid-" Rin chanted, but was cut off by an eraser hitting the back of his head, knocking him down to the ground.

    "Shut the fuck up." said Yukio, glaring at his twin with a blush on his face.

Yukio Okumura X Reader OSWhere stories live. Discover now