Blanket Forts (Rin x Reader x Yukio)

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You wandered across the empty square of the True Cross Academy. In the background, the huge fountain bubbled merrily. It seemed like a ghost town. Nobody was around, seeing as it was Christmas break. As far as you knew, you were the only student to stay.

When you'd asked Mephasto for permission, he'd only waved his hand dismissively and said, "Yes, yes. Whatever." Granted, he had been involved with a copious amount of paperwork, but you were staying anyways.

Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice a black and grey cat running towards you. As a result, you tripped over the creature. It let out an indignant yelp, and you squeaked as you saw the ground rising up to meet you at a fast rate. You landed hard on your wrist, bringing tears to your eyes. Muffled curses left your lips as you wiped the teas away with your uninjured hand and then cradled your throbbing wrist.

"Kuro? Where'd you go, you naughty cat?" a voice called, jolting you from your musings.

The cat, who surprisingly hadn't left, meowed and bumped your leg with its head, as though it were trying to apologize. You glanced at its collar and noticed the exorcist's badge fastened to it before mentally facepalming.

You knew this cat! Of course, you'd only seen it once before, but you still knew him. "Hey, Kuro," you said softly, extending your uninjured hand towards him. He purred and rubbed it. "It's okay, I forgive you."

"Kuro?" the voice asked again, sounding much closer. If this was Kuro, then the owner of that voice could only be...

Rin rounded the corner then and spotted you on the ground. He jogged over, his signature messy black hairdo flopping in the light breeze. "(y/n)? I didn't know you were still here," he commented.

"I could say the same about you," you replied, momentarily forgetting the pain in your wrist.

"Well, Yukio had teacher business. I couldn't go back to the temple and leave him here for Christmas, so I decided to stay," he explained, shrugging and running a hand through his onyx locks. Then he looked back down at you. "Why are you on the ground?"

"Oh. I, um... tripped over Kuro," you admitted sheepishly. Kuro meowed, looking between you and Rin.

He laughed, scooping up the cat and nuzzling its nose to his own. You couldn't help but smile at the cute scene in front of you. Then Rin blushed, having forgotten you were watching. He offered you a hand, and you accepted it.

He pulled you up by your uninjured hand, but the other wrist throbbed suddenly, reminding you of what had happened.

"What's wrong?" Rin asked, noticing your grimace.

"I fell hard on my wrist. It just hurts, nothing to be worried about," you responded airily.

His eyes narrowed slightly before he held out his hand in a silent demand to see it. You complied, gingerly setting your hand in his. Kuro watched you with big eyes from his spot on Rin's shoulder.

Rin gently bent your wrist back and forth, moving it in different directions. You hissed in pain, unable to draw it away from his grasp. "I think it's dislocated," he eventually said, glancing back up and meeting your (e/c) eyes with his blue ones. "Come on, Yukio's patched me up tons of times before. He can fix this no problem."

He dropped your injured wrist and took you by the hand, pulling you behind him. A light rain was beginning to fall from the sky.

"I can walk on my own!" you protested. Nearly tripping again as you were drug behind him. He merely sent you a grin over his shoulder and gently squeezed your hand. You sighed, knowing it was no use to argue with the boy. So you slightly increased your pace to lessen the pressure he'd put on your hand.

Yukio Okumura X Reader OSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon