Under the Willow Tree

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The sky was dark.
The moon was high.
We lay under the willow tree,
Just him and I

The clouds grinned.
The breeze did cry.
No longer could I keep it in,
The moment was nigh.

He turned to me;
Stars in eyes.
Cherry lips gently part,
And let out a soft sigh.

She turned to me;
With thoughts so wise.
Cocked her head,
My heart flies.

Drew in a breath,
As willow tree sang.
It's sweet summer symphonies,
Through my ears rang.

The scene was set.
The rest up to me.
If this goes well;
United under the blanket of navy, together, we'll be.

Ocean waves of our minds met and crashed.
As softly he spoke,
"I love you"
Jumping into motion, my heart awoke.

Releasing a smile,
So fresh and true.
Her head on my chest,
"I love you too".

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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