Blanket Forts (Rin x Reader x Yukio)

Start from the beginning


"Yukio! I need you!" Rin called as he entered his shared dorm. However, his brother was no where in sight.

Kuro leapt off of Rin's shoulder and landed on an unmade bed that could only be Rin's. His side of the room looked like a tornado had swept through it, whereas Yukio's was neatly organized and not a speck of dust was to be seen.

The black-haired boy had yet to let go off your hand, but you weren't complaining. A slight blush swept across your cheeks at the thought.

"Hm, maybe he's in the bathroom," Rin thought aloud, turning to face the door.

Before you could protest about going to the men's room, Yukio appeared in the doorway, cleaning his glasses' lens on the hem of his shirt. "What are you yelling about now, Nii-san?" Yukio asked tiredly. Then he replaced the glasses on his face and blinked, realizing you were there. "Oh. (y/n). Hello."

"Hi," you responded timidly. You never were quite sure how to act around the guy who was your age, but also your teacher.

Yukio's blue eyes landed on your and Rin's interlocked hands, and he raised an eyebrow. Rin followed his twin's gaze and then blushed heavily, dropping your hand as though it were on fire. "Um... (y/n)'s wrist is dislocated. I thought maybe you could fix it," Rin hurriedly said, trying to avoid an awkward conversation.

"Really?" Yukio asked, grasping onto the topic change and stepping forward. "How did you manage that?"

You held up your wrist so that the younger twin could examine it. "I tripped over Kuro."

Yukio glanced over his shoulder at the three-tailed cat, who yawned. Then he returned his attention to you. "I can pop this back into place. It will just hurt a little. Rin, could you go get some ice? It's going to swell some after I fix it."

Rin nodded, eager to help. Then he disappeared out the door, and Yukio pointed to his bed. You sat at the edge of the neatly-made bunk. Yukio knelt before you, firmly grasping your injured wrist.

"Sorry about this, (y/n)," he said.

You were about to ask what he meant when he pulled in opposite directions on your throbbing joint, sliding it back into place in one fluid motion. You yelped at the unexpected motion, screwing your eyes shut and clenching your free hand into a fist to keep yourself from balling like a baby in front of your teacher.

After a moment, the sharp pain was reduced to a dull throb, and you slowly opened your eyes. Yukio was watching you with concern, still lightly grasping your arm. "Are you alright?"

You nodded, unsure if you wanted to bring yourself to speak or not yet. Yukio gently set your arm in your lap and then settled on the bed next to you. You took a deep breath before looking over at him. "Thank you, teacher," you said softly.

"Please, when we aren't in class, just call me Yukio," he said, smiling at you. You smiled back. Then he cleared his throat. "So why didn't you go home like the rest of our classmates?"

"My parents couldn't afford the plane tickets back to (home country)," you responded with a half-shrug. "So I figured I would just stay here and save them the traveling expenses. I honestly didn't expect to find anyone else staying, let alone someone I knew."

He chuckled. "I was rather swamped with paperwork, and I knew I wouldn't get it done back home. Rin just decided to stay here with me."

A silence descended upon you two that wasn't tense, but wasn't entirely welcome. After a moment, Yukio managed to find his voice.

"So, what's between you and Rin?"

"Huh?" You were slightly shocked by the question. "Nothing! I mean, he was just being nice by helping me. I think. Yeah, we're just friends," you said, cursing yourself for rambling.

Yukio Okumura X Reader OSWhere stories live. Discover now