Prologue: My Life Before My Fate

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Prologue: My Life Before My Fate

When I was a little girl, I never knew my real parents, I was an orphan at birth. But I always wondered why my parents abandon me, did they love me, did they even want me? I was never able to find these answers. But I was passed through foster parents because they didn't like the way I looked. My star white hair, my gleaming blue eyes, they felt intimated by my appearance, this made me become shy and scared of meeting new people.

But by the time I was three, I meet Mr. and Mr. Strange along with their son who was two years older than me.

I was scared of them at first, but they just looked at me and weren't scared or intimated by my appearance, they were in awe, intrigue. Their son, Stephen Strange step forward and held his hand out to me, I took it and he pulls me into his arms and hugs me. This made me happy and they took me in, I was able to live a happy life, but the time I turn eight, I was starting to hear... voices. They were talking to me, warning me about a great danger that was going to destroy the universe, I was scared, but I didn't want to tell because I loved my new family, I didn't want to go back. I tried to endure, but the voices got louder and louder and finally told my foster mother about it, I told her why I didn't tell her sooner and she called help to see what was wrong with me.

Then a hooded stranger came to our aid and did something, the stranger placed her hands on my head and chanted some incantation, silencing the voices. She whispered something into my ear, but that memory was blocked as well. Mother was willing to pay, but the stranger declined the payment and went on her way. I was able to live and continue life, but when I was ten, I found a box with a little black kitten inside, I took it home and nursed it back to health, dad was surprised to find me treating a black kitten, I said wanted to keep it and promised to care for it and train it, he just laughed and said that he was surprised because I nursed it back to health. He said he was proud of me and that I have a talent to heal. I was happy and trained the kitten like I promised and named him Sully, he was mischievous of course, but help me with cleaning even snuggles in bed with me every night, I loved my little kitten.

When I reached middle School, I expressed an interest in medical practice, and with my photographic memory, I was able to advance faster than any other student. This made me friendless, but I didn't care, saving lives was better than making friends. Stephen even had the same interest in medicine but thanks to his good looks, he has friends, but I just rolled my eyes at him, then through high school. I noticed that Stephen developed an ego. Mom and dad just laugh as I told them this, I remember Stephen just looking at me and I just smiled at him and he just laughed. We have a good relationship, I was his little sister and he was my older brother, I know because he was never disgusted with my appearance, he said that I look like a fallen star. Little Star, that was the nickname he gave me. We continued on through graduation, college and onto med-school. I meet Christine Palmer, we became fast friends and share the same thing, Stephen was an aggregate self-center man, but we still loved him.

When we graduated med-school, we begun our work at the hospital, Stephen rose in the ranks, as did I but, I kept it simple. I was not after fame or glory, I just wanted to save people. But while I was out of town, I meet the infamous Tony Stark, who was more aggregate then Stephen, he took a liking to me, but I rejected him right on the spot, his assistant and driver laughed, because I was the first woman to tell him no, when I arrived back at the hospital and begun to work, flowers and roses were sent to the front desk in vases, I would if they were for Stephen, but I was told they were for me from Tony Stark, I would tell them to send them back with a message, saying no thank you. When Stephen got wind of this, he was acting... well, strange about it. Then I heard that Tony went missing for three months.

I freaked of course, then was told that he was found and he requested that I be his personal doctor, I ask if this was another attempt to win me over, but I was told in Tony's own words, that he just needed his health checked on, I just sighed and agreed to his terms. Stephen was furious about it and ignored me, Christine was supportive and told me that she'll take care of Sully while I was away. I thank her and packed, Sully was whining not wanting me to go, but I promised him that I will be back. I was driving to a private jet and flown to California. I arrived at Tony's house and was given my own room, J.A.R.V.I.S the house A.I welcomed me and informed me that Tony was in the garage, Tony welcomed me as well, but I noticed something different about him, in his eyes he wasn't the arrogant man I meet, he saw something, something that he knew that had to be corrected and he lost a good friend realizing this truth.

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