Chapter 3 - 1st Year: Graduation Part 1

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She turns around and met with his amber eyes and blond hair. Her eyes were bloodshot with tear tracks running down her face. They stared at each other because they didn't know what to say. It was the loudest silence ever to be experienced. The wind was gently brushing against their faces, (L/N)'s heavy breathing as he was trying to catch his breath after running so much, and Megurine's heart running a 100m sprint it felt like it could burst in any second. The sunset shining upon them giving them natural lighting to see their faces clearly.

All credits go to DYATHON. Play this song as you read the following segment. The song just helps add to the atmosphere.


"I'm here to make things straight again. Tell me anything, my ears are yours."

"Why? Why do you believe in me so much? How do you have so much confidence in me?" She said on the verge of tears.

"It's simple really. Do you remember one of the first things I said to you when we first met? It was after I heard you sing for the first time. When you asked me if I heard anything, I said that I heard an Angel's voice."

"That doesn't really answer my questions."

"The reason why I believe in you so much is that I want you to succeed, I want you to stop wallowing in self-pity and doubt and I want to see you smile as you sing. You have great potential and I don't want to see that go to waste."

"Then, how are you so confident in me?"

"Because I know that you have a voice of an angel, I know that you can let out an amazing voice. That's why I have so much faith in you and it's also because... you're my bestfriend. I would have to be an asshole to have zero trust in you. I know you're worried, I know that you feel like you're going to weigh everyone down, it's that mindset that holds you back from doing things you love. Everyone here is worried about performing and it was a stupid move to put you on the pedestal but you're all we got right now and if anything, we're the one that's holding you down right now. Everyone is worried about the performance but we're more concerned about you. You're our friend, you're a member of the Music club... we care about you. We know that you love singing so that's why we want you to succeed. An angel's voice should be heard."

"I won't be able to sing in front of a large audience. My voice will become shaky, I will mess up my words, I will embarrass the entirety of the music club and I will bring shame to the Club President, she expects a perfect performance. I won't be able to deliver that kind of high-quality performance if I'm on edge for the entire night."

"That's why we're here for you, you're not up on stage alone, we're going to be up there with you going through all the same problems. If you mess up, then one of us will mess up on purpose so that it doesn't feel like you're the only one that's weighing us down. I just want you to stop wallowing in doubt."

"Thank you, thank you so much (L/N)," Megurine spoke through the tears, her eyes were like a waterfall. She fell to her knees letting her tears soak through between her fingers.

(L/N) crouched down to her and let her fall into his embrace. Despite his shirt being drenched by her tears, he felt warm on the inside, he continued to hug and comfort her as she broke down. It was this moment of vulnerability where he felt like he couldn't let go no matter what.

"I'm so sorry," (L/N) whispered, "I shouldn't have pressured you so much. I should've given you time to think about it before I said anything. I shouldn't have assumed that you will be 100% okay with this."

They continued to hug each other as the sun continued to set behind the horizon, the night sky was filled with stars. He continued to let her cry on his shoulders as he knew that it was all he can do right now.

The rest of the club members were crowded behind the door watching the two hug each other under the starry night. "I swear this feels like a scene from an anime I watched," one of the members said.

"You know, we should've stayed quiet and let the story end there but nooooo, we had to ruin the moment," another one said.

"I mean it's not our fault, the word count is so close to 1700 words so the author just using us to fill that in."

"Guys, I don't think we're allowed to be talking about the author and word count, it ruins the entire immersion of the scene and story and whoop, 1700 words. Time to end"

"Wait, hold up, didn't you just say that we shouldn't be talking about the word count but you just interrupted your own sentence to say there are over 1700 words now."

"Everyone shut up, we're ending this chapter now!"

Voice Of An Angel | Male Reader x Luka MegurineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora