Chapter 2 - 1st Year: The New Comer

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"(Y/N), wake up! You're going to be late to school!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm awake just leave me be right now," (L/N) mumbled as he was too tired and lazy to even move his mouth. "Breakfast is already done, come downstairs as soon as possible," His mom replied. It was at that moment when (L/N) remembered that today was the day that Luka Megurine will join the music club. With this in his thoughts, he sprung out of the bed and bolted to the bathroom. He did his usual morning routine; Wake up, brushed his teeth, ate breakfast and got dressed.

As he was about to leave the house, he grabbed his phone and walked into his room to grab his wallet. As he opens the door, he remembers that yesterday he was so caught up in praising Megurine he forgot to grab his wallet. "Damnit, I really have to get my priorities straight." He decided to head straight to school.

When (L/N) got out of his dad's car he saw Megurine just arriving at the gates. "Hey, Megurine!" He yelled waving his hand like a psychopath. "Is that your girlfriend?" his dad asked, (L/N) turned around to face his dad and replied, "Dad... we're just friends," he smiled and laughed as he spins around and begins to walk to Megurine.

Megurine stood by the gate to wait for (L/N). She took out his wallet and gave it to him. "Thanks for keeping my wallet Megurine, you didn't take any money, right?" He said as he slides his wallet down his pockets. "You never had money in the first place," Megurine snickered, "Oh yeah, before I forget, please don't tell anyone that I know how to sing."

"Why? I mean, you'll be popular if people knew."

"That's the point, I don't want to attract a lot of attention. Also, it isn't all that great."

"Fine... That's your choice so I can't fight it," he replied filled with disappointment. "She's still filled with doubt. Alright, I'm gonna try and change that this year," he thought. He didn't want great potential to be wasted.

"So Megurine, are you coming with me after school?" (L/N) asked.

"Yeah sure, I'll come to check it out," Megurine replied. After he heard these words all he can do was jump in excitement. He jumps in front of her and grabs her hands, "Thank you, Thank you so much! I'm sure they'll love you!" He spoke with a giant smile drawn on his face. Megurine blushed and pulled her hands from his grip but she still smiled because she could see his smile again.

As the day goes by, (L/N) was happy and filled with enthusiasm. However, Megurine was a nervous wreck and instantly regretting her decision of joining the music club.

It was finally the end of the day; some kids went home straight away and others had to stay back for club activities. Megurine and (L/N) walked to the music room. As they entered they were greeted by everyone; some were in other classes and others were in different grades. The club president walked up to them and greeted (L/N) and shook Megurine's hand. "Who's your lady friend?" The club president asked. "She's just a friend, I brought her here because I want her to join the music club." The club president smiled at (L/N) and asked, "so, what do you play?"

Megurine looked around the room then glanced over to (L/N) as she was unsure of what to say. "She sings!" (L/N) exclaimed. Megurine blushed and grabbed his forearm and dragged him out of the room. "I thought I told you not to tell anyone I sing," she whisper-shouted at him. "You obviously didn't know what to say so I said it for you, you're gonna need to sing if you wanted to join anyway," (L/N) replied smiling with the hopes that she would sing to the club. Then the door slowly opened with the club president standing in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but he's right, if you want to join the club, you need to sing" The club president spoke.

"Come on you can do it," (L/N) encouraged Megurine, "don't worry the club president is really nice, she's definitely going to let you in."

"Okay, I just need to sing, right?" Megurine asked. "Yeah, just sing any song you want and we'll listen"

She mustered up the courage and decided to sing.

Credit goes to Bricie, she's amazing. Seriously check her out!

"Wow, that was beautiful," The club president said as she wiped a tear from her eyes.

"Thanks, so will I be able to join?" Megurine questioned embarrassed. "Of course! Welcome to the music club."

"Thank you so much," Megurine spoke as (L/N) jumped around the club room like a child.

As everything calmed down and when everyone was introduced to Megurine, (L/N) and she was just talking. "If this is the music club, what do you play (L/N)?" Megurine tilted her head as she asked this question. "Me? I play the piano, I'm okay with it but I'm not the best," (L/N) responded while laughing anxiously. "Can I hear you play the piano? I mean, you heard me sing so it's only fair," Megurine teased as she waited for (L/N) answer. "Yeah sure, it's only fair," He said as he walked to the piano to play.

Credits go to Theishter. (WARNING: FEELS INCOMING AND MILD SPOILERS FOR ANOHANA) This is beautiful.

"That was so good!" Megurine spoke amazed.

"Thanks, but there are a lot more other people in this club who's better."

Time has passed and the club activities have finished and everyone went home. Megurine and (L/N) said their farewells.

"This is going to be a fun year," (L/N) said to himself as excited as a kid who found candy.

"This year is definitely going to be an interesting year," Megurine said as she waited for her bus to arrive.

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