"As of right now she is receiving fluids to help with hydration, she's certainly lost a lot. Her temperature has lowered down to 98.3 from 103.4 which is great, but is still being closely monitored. And a benzodiazepine was given to treat the agitation she's having and seizures."

"Seizures?" My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"Yes sir seizures. Now forgive me for not being clear, she has not suffered any, but we want to make sure she doesn't. May I please ask you besides the obvious antidepressant prescribed to her, are you aware of anything else that may have contributed in all of this?"


I couldn't think, nothing was registering clearly and everything sounded so confusing that I never once questioned the exact cause.

"I take it that you weren't aware." His hands slid into his coat pockets. "I'm really sorry. According to her physician, a referral was done with a psychiatrist that Mia is familiar with. She was prescribed Zoloft to treat depression and anxiety."

All of this was occurring right under my nose, in my own home.

I should've done something.

I hated myself for being so wrapped up in chaos. I had truly failed her.

"All of this is fresh to me." I mumbled, trying my hardest to blink away the mist from my eyes. "Quite frankly I don't understand how everything went so quickly. The signs, the medications, how did I let this happen? I knew she was upset and I took it to be normal because of the things happening, the severity I did not know."

"Mia's a therapist herself right?"

"She is."

"I don't want to make any assumptions, but please keep in mind that we all work together in some way or another. And as far as any signs, there is something called concealed depression. Sometimes individuals will appear to be okay, and any sort of signs shown are never clear to the extent of just how serious the suffering is. Most people tend to hide their issues but we know that doesn't help. I know this is hard for you, the love you have for her is extremely evident, but you cannot blame yourself for any of this."

It would've been easy not to, but I couldn't help feeling responsible.

"For your question, it's clear that I'm not aware of too much going on, so I can't answer it."

"She hasn't taken any dietary supplements such as vitamins or anything?"

"No. Well not that I know of." I shrugged. "I will say that her appetite wasn't the same. She started drinking a lot of tea but definitely wasn't eating as much as she— I should've realized how severe things were."

"Mr. Nelson don't feel guilty, the fault doesn't belong to either of you, Life happens. Now you've caught my attention with a mention of tea. May I ask what kind?"

"Um." I struggled to remember. "I don't recall any brand or the name."

"Was it green?"


"That's what did it."

"Excuse me? A tea can make you that sick?"

Amare "To Love"Where stories live. Discover now