Twenty Four

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Author's Note: After last nights shenanigans regarding chapter 23, by request of one of my favorite readers TeleiseWilliams , I've decided to switch up the rotation and continue to update this story until the end. Can you believe it's almost over? It's been a fun one. The last few drafts are done, but as you know it does take awhile to edit everything. So if I can finish it all by Sunday night, TDR2 will be back next week. Alright enough of my blabbering, let's get into this chapter. Hope you enjoy! 💜

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Prince's POV

I never cried much in my life.

There were certain events that would trigger waterworks, but not many.

Like the time I was three, I had fallen down and hurt my knee. But my mother held me, and that made everything right in my small world.

Another time I was teased by classmates due to my height and wanting to play ball. But I shut that down quick by scoring points and chicks.

Or the time my father kicked me out of his home. I pleaded and cried with nowhere to go, but the answer still remained no.

Then there were times where I'd perform and get caught up in the emotions of a song, or simply love from the crowd. Those are always good cries, quite powerful I like to think.

And the losses. A close family member or a friend. Those are the cries you can't forget. The cries that will keep you up all night, and the feelings that will follow you throughout your life.

But for Mia? It was different. A cry of desperation. A cry of pain, confusion, and most of all fear. Each emotion combined into one left me weak, a paralyzed being, glued to the sofa, and a glass next to me.

The wine was sweet, which I think made it go down a bit easier.

Placing the bottle on the stand, my tongue meshed with the inside of my bottom lip, teeth sinking into the skin, repeatedly grazing across it.

I called.

One call after another, she still would not answer the phone. But her voice sounded over and over...

Hi it's Mia, I see you've reached my voicemail. Well, most likely I'm off doing something important, or perhaps I'm eating. Whatever the case is, I'll try my best to get back with you. Now here comes the beep!


"Honey I'm losing count. I need you, and I want to talk. Please just call me, you know that I'd never purposely hurt you."

Another message.

"Mia! (glass clinks against the stand) Baby, I'm sorry. Please, how are we going to figure anything out and you ain't talking to me?"


"Now see, you know you see me. All of that you sitting there doing and I know you see me. You think you slick Mia! I ain't never had blood pressure problems but you sho raising the hell out of it today!"

And another...

"Mama I ain't mean that, I'm sorry I... I'm just frustrated Mia, I don't want to lose you... but yet I'm starting to feel like I already have."

Completely beyond my breaking point, I decided to take my chance and go see her.

But no way was I going by myself, and not in any of my rides....

A ploy was needed.


Brooke's POV

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