Conor x Devin - My Little Lamb (Part 3)

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Conor's PoV -

I awoke to the dim morning light that shone through my cell's small window. I rubbed the sleep from my tired eyes and turned to face Devin, he had stayed with me every night after I was taken to this dungeon. Devin's eyes were still closed and he let out little tired snores. I reached through the cell bars and gently ran my fingers through his hair. "Mmmm, five more minutes..." Devin mumbled sleepily.

     I chuckled at his cuteness, "Devin, wake up, today's the day we try the nectar!"

     "That don't mean I can't sleep in," Devin stretched and sat up, his blankets falling off him.

     I smiled at him, "Devin, are you forgetting to tell me something?"

     "Hmmm," he stared back at me, "oh, Happy Birthday, love."

     He pressed his lips against mine through the bars, "Thank you, Dev."

     A door was heard opening from the stairs above, Devin and I quickly scooted away from each other. Heavy boot falls echoed through the cells as the Earl made his way down the steps. Devin picked up his blankets and quickly found a place to hide. "Well, well, Conor, I guess it's your chance to try for a spirit animal today, not that it matters since you obviously won't summon anything," the Earl scoffed, "My son will be the only one summoning a spirit animal today."

     I stood staring at the ground simply nodding or shrugging to whatever the Earl said. A guard unlocked my cell door and led me out into the hall. The Earl stood in front of me, "Don't try anything today, this ceremony will be special and you can expect a lot of guards, trust me, they will be watching you," with that the Earl walked away, back up the steps.

     The guard led me up the steps, "You are ordered to help Lord Devin prepare for his ceremony today, you are still his servant after all," the guard walked away, casting a sideways untrusting glance at me.

     I hurried to Devin's room. The door clicked shut behind me. Devin wasn't there yet, no doubt trying to sneak back up to his room while avoiding guards. I quickly fixed my hair so that my lamb ears were hidden and changed my clothes to something more presentable, after all it was the day of my nectar ceremony.

     A few minutes later the door created open and Devin entered. "What took you so long?" I question humorously.

     "Thanks to you there are guards everywhere," Devin smiled at me and hugged me, "It's so good to see you not behind bars!"

I snuggled into his chest. "I'm glad to not be behind bars," I smiled at him.

     With that the two of us got ready for our ceremony. I helped Devin with his jacket that for some reason had like fifty buttons. Finally, it was time for us to try the nectar. A guard came and got us and walked the two of us to the stage where are ceremony was to be held. A girl our age was already there, she would also try the nectar with us. We took our seats next to the girl.

     A crowd had already gathered and I searched the many faces for my family. I finally found them, towards the back of the crowd, I eagerly waved at them. I missed them a lot since it had been months since I seen them last. They waved back at me, smiling proudly. Devin, who was seated next to me, held my hand and smiled up at me. Today would be great no matter if I summoned an animal or not.

     A few minutes later and the ceremony began with Trunswick's local Greencloak asking for everyone to be quiet. Oddly another Greencloak stood close by, one whom I had never seen before. Trunswick's local Greencloak gave a small speech and then asked Devin to step forward and try the nectar. He flashed me a hopeful smile before walking over. Everyone watched anxiously as he sipped the nectar. Devin stood looking around nervously, "Devin you may take your seat now," the Greencloak stated.

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