Abeke x Shane (King) - If Only Fairytales were Real

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A/N -
SPOILERS!!! Events take place in the "Burning Tide" book so if you haven't read that book there will be SPOILERS!!! Chapter art is by me!

Abeke's PoV -

I knew that this battle will decide who won and who loses. Rollan and I had just stepped foot onto the Redcloaks base and already we were being pulled every direction in order to prepare for the fight to come. I was to help in the making of arrows. Rollan helped Worthy with sharpening weapons. Shane, who had taken us to the Redcloak base, was instructing everyone on what to do and trying to keep everyone calm.

I sat cross-legged on the ground stitching sharpened arrowheads to sticks. "Hey, need any help, Abeke," King stated as he sat down next to me.

"I could use some help but aren't you supposed to be rallying your troops, King," I replied.

"Call me Shane, we're all battle warn and we know what's at stake, there's no need to get their blood going any more than it already is, a good warrior is a calm warrior," Shane replied.

I handed him a finished arrow so that he could place it into a quiver. "You'll be up here with the rest of the archers, won't you?" Shane questioned.

"This is where I'd be most helpful but this is the safest place during a battle, I wouldn't feel right being here when my friends are in the enemy's way," I replied.

"Please, stay here, I want you to be safe," Shane stated.

"I'm not worried about that but I will stay with the other archers, it's where I'll be most helpful and with everything on the line... yeah," I heaved a heavy sigh.

Just then the voice of some Redcloak rang out, "Everyone to your battle stations, Zerif and his whyrm infested army is almost here," that was the cue, everyone began to hustle and grab their weapons.

Shane hugged me tightly, "I need to go now, please, just stay safe!" with that Shane ran off and left me with the other archers.

I grabbed my quiver and went to my station. All the archers stood at windows carved out from a rock outcropping of the volcano. Even from here I could see the infected Greencloak's ship approaching the Redcloak's base. I mentally readied myself for this battle.

Only a few moments later and fleets of infected Greencloaks flooded out of the ships. I hated to fire at them but I had no choice. It was a mental battle with each release of an arrow. I looked down at the defending Redcloaks and found Shane, leading his troops. I knew who his opponent was, Zerif. Shane hated him for misleading him in the second Great War. I also hated Zerif but I held a grudge over him for taking Uraza away from me with the whyrm. I scanned the crowd below once again and found Zerif, cowardly hiding behind his troop. I knocked an arrow and aimed. The shot fell low as expected, he was still too far away to get a good shot. I would have to wait.

I shot down some more enemies for a while and then found Zerif to be in the range of my arrow. I aimed and fired, my arrow flew through the air just as it was about to strike it's target, some loyal followers of Zerif jumped in the way. I growled still staring at the scene. Zerif shot me an angry glair and with that, he smirked and quickly ran through the crowd of battling Redcloaks and corrupted Greencloaks. What was he doing? Then it hit me, he was going to kill Shane! Zerif was hidden by the crowd so I couldn't get a good shot.

I grabbed my quiver and bow and ran to the ground level. I had to get to Shane before Zerif did. Zerif was just too powerful. I pushed my way through the battle. "Shane," I yelled his name over the noise of battle.

Finally, I found him. "Abeke, what are you doing here?" Shane asked as he fought against some Greencloak with a monkey as a spirit animal.

"Zerif, he's looking for you, he wants you killed," I replied, "he wants payback on me for nearly shooting him!"

With a swift flick of the wrist, the Greencloak feel to the ground, dead. I cringed. "If that's true then why did you risk it to find me?" Shane asked.

"Because I care for you," I cried.

Shane hugged me, wrapping me into his arms. The battle around us seemed to melt away. "Awww, how cute," an evil laugh muttered, I knew that voice all too well, Zerif.

     "Let me fight him, please, run, Abeke," Shane whispered to me.

     "No," I stared defiantly.

     Zerif released Uraza from passive, I wasn't going anywhere now, Uraza was my spirit animal and I needed to save her. She stood snarling at Shane and I. It wasn't her fault, she was being controlled by Zerif and the Whyrm. "Haha, this will be even greater than I expected," Zerif laughed, "Uraza, attack her," Zerif pointed to me.

     My own spirit animal launched herself at me, claws extended and teeth sharp. "No!" Shane shouted jumping in front of me taking the hit for me like a knight in shining armor.

     Uraza pushed him to the ground, he didn't stand a chance. I knew the power of my spirit animal all too well. I caught myself yelling as this horror unfolded in front of me. It was all over as soon as it began. Uraza was pleased with her work and happily trotted back to Zerif. "Good work, Uraza," Zerif cooed.

     I crouched next to Shane. His eyes were hollow and pained but he stared with sad loving eyes at me. His grimace was a mix of acceptance and regret. He was fading fast. "Shane," I mumbled his name sadly, "why?"

     I held his shaking hands in my own. "Because, I love you, Abeke," Shane managed to choke out.

     Tears were falling from my eyes. "I love you too!" I sobbed.

     He smiled lovingly at me one last time before his body went limp. "S-shane," I mumbled and stifled a sob.

     I bent down and kissed him, half expecting him to open his eyes and kiss me back like in the old Nilo fairy tales. When I lifted my lips from his and looked at his peaceful face I felt my heartbreak. I'd never speak to him again. If only life was a fairytale, I could have saved my prince.

I took my own cloak off and covered Shane's limp body. I stood and launched myself at Zerif with all the rage of a heartbroken girl, he was going down!

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