The Chess Match Ron x Reader

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 Fair warning I know nothing about chess...


Cold, heavy rain pounded on the stain glass of the fire lit common room. You and the gang were sitting by the roaring fire as it crackled and wrapped its warm body around the four of you. "D5" Ron said after a long pause of silence. Ron's pawn moved at his command and barbarically smashed Harry's knight.

"That's totally barbaric." commented Hermione in a snobbish voice.

"No that's wizard's chess." Harry replied.

You and Hermione were sitting on a couch reading. Hermione found herself dissolved in a book called The Castle In The Attic where as you suat for more adventure in a classic called My Side Of The Mountain. A exciting story of a boy who runs away to live in the woods and must survive there. You loved to read. Reading was an escape to all of life's problems. Boys, school, work, you name it.

"Check mate." said Ron for the tenth time that afternoon.

"Whatever." Replied Harry. He was obviously used to losing by now. "I going to bed. I have quidditch in the morning and don't want to fall off my broom with exhaustion." You chuckled as Harry retreated back to his dormitory.

"I should retire as well." Stated Hermione flatly, packing up her books. "Good night." She on the other hand did not give an explanation as to why she was going to bed but that question was soon answered when she went up the boy's dorm stairs.

A smerik played on your face until you were pulled out of your thoughts by the handsome red head next to you.

"A game?"


"Do you want to play a game of chess with me? Winner takes all."

"Get prepared Weasley Because i'm going to kick your ass." You brag sitting cross legged on the floor in front of him on the black side. "Just to be clear what is all?"

"If You win I will walk into whatever is happening up in my dorm. If I win you owe me a kiss."

"Game on." You said calmly shaking his hand. Well at least you were clam on the outside, inside you were flipping out. You have loved Ron for the longest time. His dark orange-red hair, Deep blue eyes, his crooked smile. Damn that smile. But you two were just friends. He didn't like you. He liked Hermione. Or so you thought... Normally you would be asking why he wanted a kiss but Ron has done this with other people multiple times. This kind of immature behavior was normal for Ron Weasley.

And so the game began. "F4" Said Ron moving his pawn.

"E5" You commanded.

"E5" Ron smirked taking one of your pawns.

You totally did that on purpose. Despite how much you want to see Ron go up to see heaven knows what in Harry's dorm You wanted to kiss Ron even more, And little did you know that Ron wanted the same thing.

----Time skip b/c I don't know anything about chess----

The game was coming to a close And let's just say you were winning by so much.

"Checkmate!" You practically scream.

"Noooooooo!" Ron cried. "I don't know what's going on up there but I bet there going to kill me when I walk in..." He got up and started walking up the boy dormitory stairs. That's when you realized how dumb you actually are and got up calling "Ron." before walking up to him briskly. He quickly turned and you grabbed his face smashing your lips to his. The kiss was short but sweet and you both enjoyed every second of it.

You pulled away and whispered " I love you Ron."

His eyes widened Before he whispered back. "I love you too [N/N]." He pulled you into another kiss before pulling back and hugging you. "Does this mean I don't have to go up there?" He said hopefully.

"Nope." You say chuckling at the horror on Ron's face. And that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

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