The Way I Do Draco x reader

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This song was made by StarKid for the musical Starship. I highly recommend watching it. StarKid is amazing in so many ways. Also I put the video up too and recommended watching it before reading.
When they say you can't love
I think you've got it wrong
When they say you can't feel
With a heart made of steel
But toy can't say that steel
Ain't strong.

"Just stay  a way from him OK?!" yelled your twin brother Harry. Salty tears welded up in your eyes, blurring your vision. Harry turned away sharply and left . 'He wasn't a monster.' You tell yourself. You and your dear twin brother Harry were just fighting about Draco Malfoy. He's had a rough life. No one listened to him, and his dad was mean and abusive. He's just misunderstood. Why couldn't anyone see that!?

Well if that's who you are
Just a meaningless star in the sky
Tell me what is the meaning
Of what I am feeling if you are
The reason why

There was no denying. You were hopelessly in love with Draco Malfoy. How could you not? He was a genius at potions, not to mention his silky blond hair. Draco really was compassionate and friendly. Harry and you recently been selected to be in the Triwizard tournament and other than Hermione, Draco was the only one helping. You couldn't hold it in any longer. You loved him.

Now I may be dumb
But we're I come from
Folks say they're fine
When I know that there Blue
But you don't know You the
Way I do

You had a good eye when it came to people being sad. But when it came to Draco you didn't have to look hard to know that he was depressed. He always dressed in black, never ate his food, picked on first year's, and took everything out on other people. You wished there was a way to show him he was loved.

Draco's POV
Your kind is frail and week
And I want to destroy you all
You're a sorry disgrace
To the concept of race
And to logical science and law

"we'll get them someday." My father would say. "All the filthy Mudbloods., half breads, and especially those retched Potters." one thing I've learned in the 14 years of living with my father was not to argue. But how could I not? They way he talks about Muggle bones and Half Bloods has awful. But the real thing that ticked me off was the way he talked about the Potter's. They never did anything to deserve the treatment they get. My father always told me to ignore them and "We'll get them one day." but was that really what I wanted?

But for some reason why when
You look at me I don't wanna be
Programmed this way
Believe when I day you're the one

Heck no! I didn't want to be anything like my father. He was a heartless little troll. Besides I liked the Potter's... Well maybe not Harry. He doesn't like me for some odd reason. But me and (y/n) were like too peas in a pod. Other than Crabbe and Goyle she was My Best friend. She was beautiful, intelligent, kind, and her  smiles brightened up every room. Wait a second. Did I fancy (y/n)?

You might not be smart
But There is a part
Of me that's starting
To make a breakthrough
No you don't know you
The way I do

Yes I was. And the wierd part is that I'm not bothered my it. I'm I love with (y/n) (l/n). I was so happy I could sing it to the world... OK maybe not that. I need to find her.

I never expected to find
Something like you
(My wires are protected from
Abnormal things like you)
I don't know anything but
You're giving me a clue
(When you know everything it
Is suddenly strange when You
Don't have a clue)

Draco ran all around the castle look for you. Then he finally found you sitting in the Gryffendor quidditch stands. Be sat down and put an arm around your waist. "Listen (y/n) I-" Bit before he could finish you smashed your lips onto his.

I can see past the surface
Finding the worth
that's hiding beneath
Your life and purpose and all of
a sudden I feel like I've run into
Something that one has seen

Complete and utter bliss. Fireworks erupted as a million butterfly's danced in your stomach. It was perfect. You
(y/n) (l/n), the chosen one, fourth year Gryffindor has finally broken Draco's dark streak. Just one problem. How are you going to tell your dear brother Harry?

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