That hurts! Percy weasly x reader

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This book is dedicated to LieutenantTaz who has been more then supportive and kind ever since the beginning. With out her I wouldn't be writing this. Also her story's are amazing so you should cheek them out.
You were sitting in the borrow kitchen enjoying another one of Molly's delicious meals along with the rest of the Weaslys. "Aww look." taunted Fred the fourth eldest Weasly. "Weathebys got himself a girlfriend."

This was normal for him to tease you and Percy, after all you guys were inseparable. You had something in common  with all the Weaslys, but for some reason you got on with Petty the best. It might have been the fact that Percy actually listened to you wen you were sad or because he helped you with your homework or maybe the fact that you understood each other. You two could be your self's around eachother and that's all Percy could ask for.

"Hush up Fred." mumbled Percy. His face almost as red as his hair. But you knew this wasn't the end.

"Hey (y/n), do you want to come to Zonko's joke shop with Fred and I?" questioned George, Fred's twin.

"No thanks. Percy and I are going to study later." You answered.

"Aww, come on (y/n)." Piped up Fred. "Yeah (y/n)." Pleated George. "How much is Percy paying you a hang out with him anyway? Because I don't think your getting enough." And thats wen Percy snapped.

"Can you just shut up for one second?!" Percy bellowed. "I don't fancy (y/n). (Ouch.) "Your just jealous that I have friends!" Percy was furious. He was on his feet now, hands scrunched into fists on the table. His face was dripping with anger. Fred and George were on there feet to now, smirking that mischievous smirk.

"Oh yeah?" asked Fred. " we have more friends than yours and (y/n)s books all put together." remarked George.

'Thats it' You thought. You knew Percy wouldn't last much longer. And like always, you were right. Percy took a swing at George from across the table, but Fred and George were faster. Next thing you knew George was behind Percy holding his arms back while Fred hit him square in the face. "Stop that this instant!" cried the voice of Mrs. Weasly. 'oh no.' You thought. 'Now Mrs. Weaslys mad.' Fear in his eyes George let go of Percy and stepped away but Fred wasn't done.

"Don't you ever try and hit my twin again you hear me?" he growled. Before Percy could Answer Fred punch him roughly in the mouth and shoved him hard on the floor, earning gasps and shouts from every one.

"Freddie stop!" yelled George. "

"Frederick Weasly say sorry right now!" bellowed Mr. And Mrs. Weasly in unison.

"stop your hurting him." You screamed.
At this Percy was so frightened he ran/ limped out of the house through the back into the field. Not only were you furious at Fred but you were scared for Percy, so while the Weaslys attempted to calm done Fred you sunk upstairs to get the first aid kit and set off to Find Percy.

You walked all around the yard but couldn't Find him. You sighed " If only Cedric was here to help." You trudged along a little longer before seeing the familiar flaming red hair behind a tree.

"Percy Ignatius Weasly you scared the crap out of me." You exclaimed anxiously. "Are you OK?" Percy didn't answer. Instead he just stared off in the distance. He was clearly hurt badly. His mouth was gushing out blood and he had a black eye. Not to mention the gaping hole in his knee.

"Oh my gods Percy! Here let me help you." You set down your first aid kid and pulled out a cotton ball dipping it in hydrogen peroxide. " This might sting a little." You warned as you slowly lowered the content ball onto his knee.

"Oww that hurts!" shrieked Percy. "Get this death trap off me!"

'Wow' you thought. ' He really is just a big baby.' Percy was a screaming cussing mess until you couldn't take it any more. "Percy could you please shut your trap?" You whisper-yelled getting annoyed.

"I can't." whimpered Percy. "It hurts to bad." At this point you were running out of options. But then you had an idea. You took off the cotten ball and smashed your lips onto his bloody ones.

Percy was shocked at first but slowly melted into it completely forgot about the pain in his knee and the previous events off that day. Percy slowly sank him arms around your waist while  you moved your free hand to his flaming red hair. You slightly tug on his  red curls earning a grunt from Percy.

Forget kissing. You guys were full on snogging. Then wen you were done with his knee you lightly pulled away, gathered your supplies and stood up. "Better?" You ask slyly.

"Better." answered Percy breathlessly.

All you could do was smile, pick up the first aid kit and walk away leveling him awestruck.
Thanks for reading. It means a lot. And a thanks to all the people who got my StarKid and Percy Jackson references.

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