Chapter 5

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The cocktail bar was buzzing with the noise of city workers celebrating and commiserating their working week.

Niki sat perched on a stool at the bar surrounded by eager young men in suits who hung on her every word. As always she looked stunning dressed in a skin tight black dress and heels. I felt positively scruffy which had only be confirmed by the door man who looked at me disappointedly as he let me through the door.

As soon as her eyes locked on me she leapt off the stool and came bouncing towards me. She was effortlessly girly and sexy, something I always envied. I would have killed for her figure. Blond, long, slim and toned. I on the other hand was small, brunette and top heavy.

"Belle! You're here!" She embraced me so enthusiastically I nearly lost grip of the bags.

"Oh my god! You've actually been shopping! For lingerie!" Her shriek was audible across the bar which turned heads.

"Shhh stop it let's go to the bar. I see your admirers are missing you."

"Oh those, nothing to write home about. Mainly bankers - yawn. Think they are so high and mighty and they are such a bore. I ordered you a glass of champagne." The men smiled at us both as we took up our seats and continued their conversations.

"So don't tell me those haven't been bought for Oliver!" Crap not this again.

"Um well I thought I'd treat myself." Niki peaked inside the tissue paper."

"You dark horse Belle! They are gorgeous! You just take me next time you go to Roxy's," and she winked.

I felt a blush creep across my face. If only she knew.

I managed to steer clear of the topic of Oliver and get her talking about her trip to Barbados at Christmas.

"You sure you can't come. I'll pay for your ticket, all you need is spending money." She have her best puppy dog eyes. The offer was tempting but I didn't want to do anything that might jeopardise our friendship. She was all I had. No family, not many other friends. I wasn't like her, a social butterfly that moved about the room effortlessly. Her upbringing was to blame for that. All the rich kids had bags of confidence. They were born with it. A born entitlement that the world was theirs and theirs for the taking. Anything was possible.
We moved to a secluded booth near one of the large floor to ceiling glass windows that looked out onto the street. This time tomorrow night I would be standing in front of hundreds of strangers ready to have sex. How the hell was I going to pull that off? It wasn't like I had loads of experience. A quick and uneventful prom night fumble with my then on off boyfriend Teddy. We both knew it wouldn't last past the summer. He'd booked a hotel room above the country house that the annual prom was held at. It was awkward, unromantic and unsexy. He'd asked to see me a few days later no doubt to make a repeat of it. Once had been enough to convince me a second time was unlikely to show any improvement.
Then there was Ryan during Orientation Week. He was a second year, confident, popular on the social scene and we instantly took a liking to one another. Conversation was playful and I felt totally at ease with him. He'd taken me back to his dorm room where we'd stayed up late playing cards and drinking rum. He was a natural born flirt knowing just what to say to make a girl putty in his hands. It was the best sex I'd ever had, he was fun and made me laugh which put me instantly at ease. The morning after he'd made us breakfast and brought me coffee in bed. He was the perfect gentleman that was until his girlfriend knocked on the door. I'd never dressed so quickly in my life. Safe to say that was the last time I saw Ryan.
Since then I'd had the odd date here and there but I couldn't help compare them to him. He had been exactly what I would have wanted in a boyfriend, and secretly I had been rather crestfallen that it hadn't worked out. I'd admit it. I had started falling a bit for him.

I glanced at my watch and it was nearly ten. I really should be heading home to get some sleep, prepare my bag for tomorrow, and do any last-minute beauty regimes. The worries of the week and restricted diet had taken its toll on me.

"Everything ok Hun? You look a bit distracted." Niki was looking at me with a mischievous smile.

"It wouldn't have anything to do with a certain Oliver?" And she chuckled softly.
In a way it was. This time tomorrow I would be having sex with an Oliver or a Greg or whoever his alter ego was. There was a man out there somewhere tonight wondering who I was, what I looked like and whether I was good in bed. I stupidly surveyed the bar looking for him. A few men returned my stare but none of them fitted the description David had given. What if David had really bad taste in men.

"Whatever you say Niki. Right I've gotta go. I've got work tomorrow." This was a lie but usually I did work at the cafe on a Saturday.

"Ok ok grannie. Shall we pick up some take out on the way home? I'll drop you home."

After a quick pit stop at a Thai takeout house we made our way through the throngs of tipsy revellers to a taxi rank. Niki shot off to get us one and yelled over to me.

"Belle he won't go East then West. We'll have to get separate cabs. Don't worry I'll pay for yours too." And before I realised she had shoved at twenty in my hand kissed me and jumped in the car.
"Call you Sunday! Bye."

I was back in my tiny studio within twenty minutes and surveying the items Roxy had packed for me.

I took my clothes off and stood naked in front of the full length mirror assessing myself from every possible angle. What if he didn't find me attractive? What if he couldn't get it up? Hopefully the lingerie would at least give the illusion I was sexier than I am. I put on the french style panties and matching suspender belt and stockings. I only managed to partly put on the corset which needed a second pair of hands to pull the laces to tighten. Once I had the heels on I placed the mask on my face and stared at my reflection. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It couldn't be me. I actually looked, well pretty amazing. I immediately felt better. I searched through my wardrobe for the gold Donna Karen dress Niki had gifted to me. She had claimed that it didn't suit her which I hadn't believed at all. She emphasised the word date when mentioning what type of occasions it would be perfect for.

I slipped the dress over my head. The satin material felt glorious on my skin and took on a new life over the structured lingerie.

"Ok you can do this Belle."
Well even if I could I needed to otherwise I'd be kicked out of college and on a bus back home to the back and beyond of nowhere.

The Vouyerist Club [Short Story]  (Book 1/2)Where stories live. Discover now