Chapter 4

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I surfaced to the sounds of the waking city. Running engines, beeping horns and rushing commuters. The club had offered some kind of calm, a stillness that you only feel when you walk into a church on a busy main street and now I had been thrown back into the rumbling belly of chaos that is my life. My phone rang it was Niki, my hour was up and like a true friend she had called as I had requested.

"Hi Belle, everything ok?"

"Yeah good thanks, all fine. Thanks for checking in on me."

"I can't believe you had a date and didn't tell me about it. How did it go? Was he gorgeous? Husband material?" I loved her giggle, she was always trying to embarrass me.

"Yeah it was fine, nothing to write home about." I needed to cut this conversation short.

"What about you? Any dates lined up this week?"

"You're not getting out of talking about this so easily Belle. This is your first date in ... forever. So what's his name? What does he do? Will there be a second date?" Crap what could I tell her. I needed to keep my story simple in case it came up in conversation again.

"We met at the cafe for breakfast."

"Yes I know that part Belle, and the rest." God she could be so determined.

"His name is ... " crap what should I call him.

"His name is um Oliver." Why had I chosen that name? And he's young, tall, dark and handsome with model like looks." I had just recited David's description of my sex performance partner Greg. My sex performance partner? Had I just made up the term?

"He sounds amazing, no?" Ever since we had become firm best friends in our first term at university Niki was determined to manage my dating life. She had unsuccessfully tried to set me up with young man after young man. Sure some of them had been good looking and vaguely interesting but sadly also in love with themselves too. Niki loved beautiful wealthy young bachelors. The Ivy League trust fund  kind, a bit like Niki. Her parents were old money and Niki's trust fund would last her for the rest of her life if she managed it well. She was spoilt in that she had every latest designer shoe and bag you could dream of but she never rubbed it in my face or made me feel inferior. We were the unlikeliest of friends from such different backgrounds but we were inseparable.

"Yeah I guess so, I don't know. I'm not sure I have the time to date to be honest Niki. I've got essays to write and tuition to pay."

"Fine, fine. I know when you don't want to talk about something. Well his loss. Right you have to meet me for drinks after work today I haven't seen you in like ages. There's this amazing little cocktail bar I've found which I have to take you too. "

Niki's idea of ages was a week and a little cocktail bar meant twenty-five dollar cocktails and no happy hour. I could barely afford to feed myself let alone poison my liver.

"Sorry I can't got too much work to do." Her disappointment was audible.

"My treat." She always did this. I hatted letting her pay for things though she always insisted. I suppose I could afford to have a drink given I would be five thousand dollars better off tomorrow.

"Ok sure, one drink." I pulled the phone away from my ear as her screeches threatened to deafen me.

"Ok alright I have to go to work, text me the address. See you there at seven thirty?" That should give me enough time to buy some lingerie and hopefully a mask if they had one before meeting her.

"Sounds perfect, by babes."

I felt lighter as I walked to work. If I could make five thousand on Saturday night plus a few extra thousands then I could just about make the tuition fee deadline next Friday. I'd be getting paid today from the cafe so I'd have some money for food and my rent. I felt better already.

Work passed in a blur, I kept thinking about the stage, the dim lighting, the hundreds of faces on me, looking at me, watching my body as some stranger had sex with me. His body rippled, muscular like some greek adonis. Honestly where were these fantasies coming from? Would I even remember how to do it? It had been so long I felt like an old maid. Niki often joked that I had re-virginised. What if this was an actual thing? I bet this model like guy will take one look at me on Saturday and say to David he can't do it. He can't go through with it. Then what? I locked up the cafe and made my way towards the address for Roxy's Boudoir. I expected some seedy sex shop but instead was met with a quaint small shop with lacy soft pink curtains and windows dressed with silk corsets draped with long pearl necklaces and lace stockings with garter belts. It looked like something from a 1950s Parisian film. Feminine, flirty and titillating.

A little gold bell signalled my arrival and a beautiful blond bombshell sashayed across the shop floor. She looked like she had stepped out of a 1950s Hollywood movie. Permed hair, red lip stick in a body tight dress, stockings and heels. She oozed sex appeal and sophistication. She surveyed me for a moment and offered her slim elegant hand with red manicured nails.

"You must be Isabelle." Her face was friendly and inviting. I had never seen such a beautiful woman in all my life.

"Um ... thank you. Er David sent me." I sounded like a bumbling idiot. Of course he had sent me, she knew my name. Idiot Belle honestly.

She smiled a warm smile and led me to a pink satin love seat which she gently patted before sitting herself.

"Drink? Technically we're closed so it's officially the weekend." Her voice was cheeky and playful. She walked towards the shop door and turned the open sign over before locking a bolt on the top of the door. I watched her walk in the highest of heels with such poise and grace. Behind the wooden shop counter she brought out two crystal champagne flutes and poured us both a glass of golden liquid.

"Here, cheers." And clinked my fizzing glass with hers. The chilled champagne felt good as it slid down my throat.

"Right, so do you have any idea what kind of outfit you will be wearing for tomorrow's performance." She said this with such a casual tone that I nearly chocked on my champagne. How could anyone think that what I was about to do tomorrow night, in front of hundreds of strangers was anything but normal?

"First time?" She smiled.

"Yes, and to be honest I don't really know what I should wear. Something black, lacy, pretty? Oh and I need a mask if possible." She nodded in response and looked about the shop.

"I have something in mind. I'll place some things in the dressing room for you to try. I'm guessing you're an eight and a 32DD?" I blushed, wow she really was good.

After trying on a selection of items I settled on a black lace corset, matching French style panties, suspender belt and stockings. The mask cream covered in lace, black crystals and white feathers.

She wrapped each item in pink tissue paper and placed them inside a cream gift box and bag. I had forgotten to check the prices and dreaded to think what the bill would be.

"What size shoe are you? A five?"
"Um yes why?" She put her hand up signalling for me to wait and disappeared into a stock cupboard and returned with a black shoe box.
"These will be just the thing to finish off your outfit." She opened the box and pulled out a pair of red patent leather peep toe heels. They were stunning but there was no way I could afford all of this.

"Oh wow I love them."
"Good they're yours then. Right I think my work is done." She smiled placed the shoe box in another shopping bag and carried them towards the shop door and began to unlock it.

"I haven't paid." She looked surprised.
"Compliments of David!" She waved the bags and placed them in my hands.
Before I could refuse she had ushered me out of the shop.

"Looking forward to seeing your performance tomorrow night." And she winked before closing the door.

I felt my blush take over my body like a wave of heat penetrating my skin. Everything was beginning to feel very very real.

The Vouyerist Club [Short Story]  (Book 1/2)Where stories live. Discover now