Chapter 26 - The Past-Future

Start from the beginning


"So you're awake now", I heard her voice come from behind me.

"Yuka what happened? I know I was an idiot for leaving you. I know. I loved you too. I just never got the chance to say it", I muttered out.

"M-mitsuki", she stuttered.

She then went in front of me.

Those warm brown eyes of hers.

Full of secrets I just couldn't unlock.

"For all these years. I have been watching you. I have seen you grow and progress. Why haven't you noticed that huh?", she said her voice cracking.

She then neared her face to mine and we locked lips.

She then pulled back.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to so that.", she said teary-eyed.

"We can all you want. Heck you can even stay with me if you just asked", I replied.

"Just answer one thing", I said looking at her eyes.

She stared back.

"Why did you put me here, who is your so called boss?", I asked seriously.

"A-ano...", she stuttered.

"Eheh", she nervously chucked afterward.

I then felt a awfully familiar presence.

"Yasuo?", I said as he appeared in front of me smiling.

"You guys a thing now? I'm going to let you go if you are.", He said smugly.

"Well. He hasn't asked me yet", Yuka said teasingly.

"Yuka Yumito. Will you be my girlfriend.", I asked her.

And as I did she looked soo happy.

So did Yasuo.

"YES YES YES!", she replied hugging me.

I then felt the ropes release and I stood up and felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned and saw Yasuo with a serious face, "I-If you hurt her. Y-You know what's coming", he said a bit shaky.

"ONII-CHAN YOU DON'T HAVE TO CRY", Yuka said laughing.

We all laughed all day and went to Konoha.


I actually didnt know that Yuka had just moved here.

I looked at her homey and nicely furnished apartment.

We all played some games and tried catching up to all the years that passed.

After that we all ate dinner and I and Yasuo walked home talking even more, catching up alot.


Before I went home I went to the Hokage Tower and explained everything to Hokage-sama.

He laughed at was happened and was happy for me.

As we were talking 'people' burst into the office.

"WE CAME AS SOON AS WE HEARD", I heard a shout by an oh so familiar Fatty.

"Hi", I plainly said waving my hand a bit.


I then laughed at what he was saying and we went to my house.

I explained everything.

And told them I'm going to introduce them to the Yumito siblings tomorrow.

But right now was hilarious.

"Yeah it wasn't that funny Mitsuki-kun-", Sarada said, being cut off my a knock on the door.

I opened it to see Yuka and a and Yasuo.

"Hey! Well Um you forgot your jacket and Um.", she said before she peered to the inside of the house and froze.

"Eheh", she chucked awkwardly, Yasuo then handed me the jacket, and I let them in.

I then held her hand and introduced her to everyone.

They all really liked her and Yasuo.

That night was one not to forget.


Yuka POV

Uwaa soo many people!

He knows soo many people!

I'm soo happy he has this many friends.

I'm soo happy he's happy.

I hope I can make him happy too.

I'll make sure of it.


Because I love him.


In one way or another I'll try.



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