Arhaans Soumya

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Shivaay, anika and om is ready to go when rudra came to the hall.

Bhaiyya... Where are you going.

Shivaay looked on rudra. Rudra, we are going to Soumyas home.

Soumyas home? I dont get it. Rudra questioned.

Om sighed. Rudra we are going to that place where soumya lived with her brothers before came here.

Rudra nodded his head. He know what they are talking. Tia should told about that. I am coming with you.

Shivay shaked his head. No rudra.. not..But he doesnt completed his word before anika stopped him.

Rudra. You should. You deserve to know the truth. Say bhavya, we are going somewhere..

Anika bhabhi, there is no need for that. Gauri bhabhi and bhavya gone to temple.

Then the four started their journey to soumyas home.

When they entered the gate where A name written " Angels Villa".

The four entered through the gate. There is lot of houses they saw on there. They doesnt know which one is soumyas. When they walked through the road someone called them from back. The four of them turn around and find a man in his late sixties.

He looked at them intently. Who are you? What do you want? The man asked shivay.

Shivay smiled and said, sir iam shivaay singh obroi and this is my brothers and wife. Actually we are here searching someones house. Can you help us?

Ofcource. The oldman said. I am major Rathod. Ofcource retired. He laughed.

Shivaay smiled back and said. Hello sir, nice to meet you. Sir do you know one Soumya tendulkar here?

Major face confused with the name. Then he said. Are you talking about Arhaans Soumya?

No sir i am talking about Soumya tendulkar. Sister of Asad tendulkar and Harshad raichand.

Major smiled and said, that is what i said arhaans soumya. Asad tamatar, harshad pumpkin and arhaans pepper.. all are the same. She is the naughtiest nighbour of our colony. Whatever they are not here now.

Shivay nodded his head. I know sir. Soumya is with us now. We are here to search her house for some papers. She is not well enough to come and she is not talking anything about her past to us. We want to help her. So please help us sir.

Major looked at them all. Shivay understanded he doesnt beleived them.

Rudra took his mobile and find a photo where shivomrukamya standing together with mallika and prinku. He shows that photo to major. Then he slided his phone and shows more photos of his and soumyas.

Major nodded his head and said. Now i beleive you all. I will tell you what she is.

She is the angel of this angel villa. she calls me major uncle. Soumya and her gang, her gang means childrens of this villa are making us in trouble every time. When they play cricket, always they will broke someones glass and they all marched to asad and harshad. Asad will say same thing to everyone " next time not happens". Everyday she will comes to all houses of this villa and trouble us with her pranks, but whatever happens the truth is we all loved her sooo much.

Who is Arhaan? Rudra asked with a tone of jealousy.

Arhaan, nearest neighbour of asad. They are like a family. Arhaans father and mother loves soumya like their own child. The funniest part is soumya irritate arhaan every time.Its daily routine for her to make him angry. She call him chilly and he call her pepper. Every day morning she will do something to irritate arhaan. Sometimes she will puncture his bike or car, sometimes she will add more pepper in his food. When arhaan doesnt wake up before her she will go and splash a bucket of water on him. Arhaan get angry on everyday and run behind her to catch. If he catch her, he will pinch her cheek and that is what she is irritated more. Every day we hear their shoutings. If asad and harshad got complaints from arhaan they say, you should have to solve your own problem. But whatever happens he doesnt forget to give her a chocolate everyday.

They are like unbreakable. Whatever fight they have the truth is arhaan loves soumya more than anything.

Rudra felt angry on that word. Is soumya loved him too?

Major smiled. Ofcource she is. But you are mistaken my words. Arhaan loves her as his sister. She call him sometimes arhan bhai and arhaan sometimes call her little sis.

And we all call her arhaans soumya.

Rudra felt releif on that words.but why?

Where is mr. Arhaan right now? Om asked.

Actually arhaan is a software engineer and he got a job in usa. So he and his family settled there. I still remeber that day. He is soo sad that he is going from here.

He took soumya in his arms and hugged her, he told her to never forget him and he will come back. She is also cried a lot that day.

He said he will send a lot of chocolate to her and be his pepper always.

When he is gone, she is sooo silent for somedays. Asad and harshad made a lot work to make her happy. They cant see their little sister sad face. In my entire life i never saw such a brothers and sister. That trio is the most beautiful siblings in the world. Asad and harshad loved her more than anything in this world.

Where is Asad and harshad now? Anika questioned

I dont know. Nobody know anything about them. When harshad marriage fixed with asad cousin svetlana. They invited all of us to the marriage. But that day.... harshad not came to the marriage and asad gone in search of harshad. Then they are not came back and soumya is afraid by all the happenings. That day we all returned from the marriage hall and we never saw asad and harshad again.

Then one day soumya came back. Not the same soumya we know. A broken soumya who doesnt smiled at all. She doesnt spoke to anyone and then she gone. Then again she came back and gone within 2 days. She losted her all charms. We saw a new soumya who doesnt know how to smile. He sighed and stopped.

Anyway I will show you asad house. Come...  he walked to asad house. shivomruka walked behind.

Then he stopped at a gate and they looked at the gate. There written ADYA.

Shivaay opened the gate.

Major Shook shivaays hand and said. It is my pleasure to meet you all. Now i have to go. He walked and stopped after three steps. Mr shivaay.. tell soumya that Major uncle is missing her soo much and this angel villa Missing their angel... then walked out from there.

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