Chapter 5 - 2nd Year: A Fresh Start

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry about it, I'm just laughing because of something I remembered," he replied with a smirk on his face.

"Whatever, we should hurry up and get to class, (Y/N)," she said before continuing to walk in front. (Y/N) stood there in shock, "did you just call me by my first name, Megurine?" He asked.

She stood a couple of feet away from him and turned around, "of course you dummy, we're best friends so it's okay to call each other by our first names," she said with her arms behind her back.

"Well, don't you think some people will misunderstand when we call each other by our first names, Megurine?" He asked with hesitation lingering in his voice.

Luka sighed with disappointment, "those people don't matter so just call me by my first name, (Y/N), unless you want to be called a dummy for the rest of your life," she said with a smile glued on her face. She turned around and continued walking underneath the cherry blossom trees.

(Y/N) stood in one spot to admire the beauty in front of him.

Her pink hair blended in nicely with the sakura petals above her. Although her hair was camouflaged with the trees, she still stood out like the beautiful angel she is. (Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat when he realised he was staring at his best friend, also his crush. He smiled while remembering the first time he realised developed feelings for her.

"Oi! Wait up, Megu- Luka!" He shouted before catching up to her.

Timeskip ~

Everyone was standing in the hallways and looking at all the sign-on sheets. This is the time where students would sign up for a club they wished to join. (Y/N) stood there and looked at all the different kinds of clubs he could join when suddenly a hand slapped his back. He winced in pain and looked at the source of the pain. He turned around and saw Luka and her friend, Inoue, she was also a 2nd-year student and she was in the music club last year and she also plays the piano.

"Why are you here? The music club sign-on sheet is there," Luka pointed down the hallway, "come on, we're gonna sign on for a second time, alright?" She asked.

(Y/N) sighed because he knew what he was going to say is going to upset and disappoint Luka, "sorry, but I'm not going to join the music club this year."

The trio stood in silence after hearing what (Y/N) just said. "Umm... I'm just going to sign myself up," Inoue said before leaving the conversation.

Luka stared in disbelief, "what do you mean you're not going to join?" She shouted. "Come on, I beg you, please join. Join for me!" She pleaded.

(Y/N) laughed nervously while scratching the back of his head, "look who's begging who to join the music club now, ah, how the tables have changed," he joked.

"Come on, you can't be serious about not joining the music club," she stated.

"I'm serious though, just think about it, my piano skills are mediocre at best. While, Inoue, is far more skilled then I am," (Y/N) replied.

"If you're not going to join the music club then what are you going to do instead?" Luka questioned.

"I don't know, maybe a sports club or something," he said.

"No!" She screamed in retaliation, "it doesn't matter if you have skills or not. What happened to 'stop wallowing in doubt'?" She used his own saying against him.

(Y/N) noticed that he made his best friend really angry and sad. "Look, next year I'll join the music club, okay? I'll improve my skills throughout this year so I can have more confidence when I join the music club next year. Trust me, it's a promise," he told her.

"Promise?" She said in a cute but soft tone.

"I promise," (Y/N) replied while holding up his pinky.

She used her pinky to wrap around his pinky, "if you break this promise, I'll make you swallow 1000 needles, okay?" She said.

(Y/N) laughed and pat her head while his finger is still wrapped around hers.

She pouted at first but soon gave up and enjoyed his head pats.

After the argument, the two signed up for two different clubs.

Timeskip ~

(Y/N) was walking Luka to her bus stop. She glanced over to (Y/N) and noticed a significant height difference. "Hey, have you grown? I swear since the last time I saw you, you were the same height as me," she asked.

(Y/N) looked down to her, "yeah, I guess you could say that I hit a growth spurt during the holidays, either that, or you've shrunk," he teased.

"Hmph, you dummy, no need to tease about my height just because you've grown," she pouted.

They arrived at her bus stop and said their farewells. While walking away from her, (Y/N) could feel his feelings for her growing every time they spoke to each other.

Voice Of An Angel | Male Reader x Luka MegurineWhere stories live. Discover now