Chapter 2: Loki and the plan.

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Loki approached us. Every day he comes down and just mocks me. I could punch him in the face.

"Ah Percy. Are you happy we gave you some friends. I just wish Thor was here so he could see how he likes being locked up."

"Would you just leave me alone Loki. I swear that when I get out of here I will kill you."

"Oh calm down. You should consider yourself lucky I visit you", he said with a smirk.

"Hey Loki", Tony asked," how long have I been in here."

"Two minutes Tony, you have only been here for two minutes", Jason answered.

I walked over to a wall and hit my head on it. Why me! Loki just stood there laughing. The door to the dungeon opened again.

"Loki. Atlas wants to talk to you", someone that I wished would stay died for entirety said. She walked over to Loki.

"Hi Percy."

"Hi Kelli. How are you doing on this fine day", I said sarcastically.

I turned and saw that Kelli was standing near the cell bars. Tony was covering his mouth using my conversation as entertainment. Jason just looked like he's dyeing of boredom. And Loki looked amused.

"Perseus don't give me that sarcasm."

"Or what? You'll kill me?! Go ahead! I have nothing to live for now."

Everyone changed. Jason and Tony just looked sad probably thinking what the team and remembering Pepper and Piper. Loki and Kelli laughed seeing they struck a nerve.

"Well Percy, Tony, Jason. I have to go see what Atlas wants. See you tomorrow."

Loki and the demon left.

Yep this is a normal day. Loki and Kelli tease me and leave while I sit here dyeing.

"Jason. How does it look outside?"

"The sky is grayish black. Most of the plant life is burned. Cities are destroyed....", Jason said depressed

"Hey happy pants. Don't forget about the stark tower", Tony said clearly sad.

"Oh yeah. They completely destroyed Stark's tower."

The way Jason said this made him and I laugh.

"Hey. It's not funny. I just finished all one hundred three floors", Tony said pouting.

We all laughed. There's something I though would never happen. Tony, Jason, and I in a cell, laughing.

Again the dungeon door opened. I walked over to the bars and I bunch of guards walked in. Yay dinner. Note the sarcasm. A guard stopped in front of the cell and push three trays of food in. Each tray had a piece of chicken, a potato, peas, and a bottle of water. Pretty good for being in a jail cell. But I noticed something different. One of them had a noted on it.

I picked up the note. It read.


Have you made your decision yet? Your time is running out. In two days I will stop by your cell for your answer. Make a good choice. We could use someone you, who
could control water, on our team. Think about it. It could save your life.


Never in a millennia would I answer 'yes' to his offer.

Annabeth's point of view

After Poseidon left I ran out of the pool, got change, and ran to Leo. I have to figure out away to contact Percy! If he's not dead. In this situation I would go to Tony but Leo's the second best.

Now where would Leo be?

After running to different places it hit me. Literally. Someone in a iron man suit, was flying down the hallway and flew into me.

"Who are you?" I pulled out my dagger.

"Cool down. It's me. Leo."

I put my dagger away.

"Leo I need to find a way to contact Percy. Wait. Why are you in a iron man suit?"

"Well, if Tony doesn't return, who will take the suits. And Annabeth are you sure he's aliv......"

"Ugh. Just come on."

I pulled Leo to get him moving and ran to the laboratory. When we got there Leo stepped out of the suit.

"Okay Leo, how would we contact Percy."

"Well, Tony has his suit. We could send a message through it. Only problem is since he's captured, they probably took his suit."

"There has to be another way."

"Well knowing Tony, he probably has something up his sleeve. Maybe he has a hidden cell phone on him."

"Leo, we can't count on it."

The door to the lab opened and Bruce and Clint walked in.

"What are you two doing in here", asked Clint.

"Annabeth believes Percy is alive."

The looked at me with sad faces.

"I know he is alive."

"And how do you know this." Bruce asked.

"His father told me. Poseidon came here and told me. He said he tried contacting him but couldn't. Plus Nico and Hazel feel that he's not dead. His father told me to find away to contact Percy and tell him it's time."

"Time for what", Leo asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Did you two find away to contact him", Bruce questioned.

"No", Leo said before I could. "I thought Tony might have a hidden cell phone with him, but I would doubt it. I also thought that we could contact him through his suit, but I highly doubt that he would still have it."

"Wait. The cell phone idea. Doesn't Tony keep two phones with him", Bruce questioned again.

"He doesn't take them with him when he has the suit", Clint answered. "But what if we sent someone over there with a hidden phone, or a communication device.

I looked at him understanding.

"Yeah. We could send someone in and hide the phone on them. We could figure out a plan of attack to escape them."

We looked at each others faces. If doing this meant that we could get out of this building and back to saving the planet, any of us would go.

"Call the others. I think we have a plan."

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